Ch- 21 Dont trust white vans kids

Start from the beginning

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: I need my beauty sleep. 🚶‍♂️

Equality: aw man.. i thought u guys were getting along..

Real shi TM: I think theyre getting along perfectly

Sera: ofc, since its more tea for u

Sera: dont think i havent seen ur blog on the gc

Real shi TM: 

Real shi TM: And?

Sera muted Real shi TM

Sera: Cecile. did you forget I can fold you at any given time of the day?

Ass: you can mute ppl???

illiteracgy at its finest: Sera gimme admin :((

Equality: wait theres a what on the gc??!

Evie: Ohno..i think i saw it already 〒▽〒

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Here we go again. 

Sera: *clears throat*

illiteracgy at its finest: sera ur texting


Sera: Breaking news, the goddess of wellstone has fallen for a low tier

Sera: Or breaking news, rivals to lovers in the form of our newspaper clubs president and hot tempered jack

Isen: P a r d o n?

Ass: bro why cant i catch a break

illiteracgy at its finest: LAMOSosjddhhaks

Equality: LOL

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦:  Ha

Sera: dont think u escaped biatch

Sera: Breaking news, the king flirts with the cripple and the cripple flirts back

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦:  I don't need this shit at 2 In the fucking morning.

Isen: LOL

illiteracgy at its finest: Can we all collectively agree to just..idk..maybe, kill Cecile now?

Ass: Sounds great

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: That sounds lovely, John.

Isen: Where? ill bring my sharpest pens :))

illiteracgy at its finest: i have some duck tape

Ass: cant we just gorilla glue her mouth shut or smth?

Isen: now all we need is a white van 

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: I can rent one

Fukk equality: 😨

Equality: ill just..close my eyes and wait until u guys are done..haha..

Evie: I-Ill join you Remi..

Sera: Bruh ur too precious 

Sera renamed Evie to "Ultimate bean"

Ultimate bean: o(////▽////)q

Sera: 💞💞

illiteracgy at its finest: Ugh the wholesomeness 🤢🤮

Equality: btw, what r u guys doing during the break?

Equality: other than kidnapping ppl ofc..

Sera: Sleeping

Isen: ^

Ass: ^^

illiteracgy at its finest: ^

Ultimate bean: ^

Fukk equality: ^^^

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Ill be going abroad to visit some family

Equality: aww, i wanted to take u all somewhere :(

Ass: ill go,

Isen: same!

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Ill be here for the first two weeks.

Equality: :DDDD

Fukk equality: where r we going? 

Equality: the mall :DDD

Ultimate bean: sounds fun!

Sera: oo im in, john too




illiteracgy at its finest: We've been played 


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