Chapter 3 (Friday Night Bites)

Start from the beginning

"Bonnie, wait." Elena tries to stop her but she just walks away.

"Umm, Good morning, Stefan. I am going to go, give you two privacy, but Lena sometimes attention is not that bad." I say walking away and blowing my sister a kiss. I see Tyler and a depressed Matt throwing a football. I go up to them.

"Look, there's Elena and her new boyfriend. Now, what are they doing? Oh, they're walking, walking, walking. Yup. Right into the sunset." Tyler says taunting.

"Will you ever give up the asshole thing," I say as I stand next to him?

"You a dick," Matt tells Tyler. As it is the truth at the moment.

"While you just stand there looking like one of those little yard trolls," Ty says not knowing that the yard troll is a gnome, but he had a point. If Matt wants my sister back which I don't want to happen, but he has to stop acting like a little bitch.

Matt was the one to correct Tyler saying that the yard trolls are called, "gnomes. Hey, what am I supposed to do, Ty? She made her choice."

"Allow her to be happy and you move on to someone who will love you." I give Matt some advice that will help in the long run.

Tyler's advice was different. As he looked at me giving me the "your wrong" look as he said, "let her know she made the wrong one." He sat down his backpack catching the ball that was meant for Matt.

"What are you doing?" Matt asked confused, as I was too. Then we both realized what he was doing.

"Ty, don't, Ty, don't!" I say as he throws the football at Stefan. "Ty!" I looked at him and then back at Stefan surprised by his quick reflexes, as he catches the ball before it hits him in the back of his head. Stefan raise the ball as a signal of asking if it was theirs. He throws it back a Tyler who seems to struggle to catch it.

Elena seemed just as surprised as me. I look at both of them mouthing a sorry for what just happened. I turned to Tyler disappointed. "Your unbelievable," I tell him before I walk away to my first class as the bell had just rung.


In history class listening to Tanner is literally the last thing I want to do. "World war II ended in?" He asked waiting for an answer. "Anyone got anything? Ms. Juan? 1945" He answers himself since no one else wanted. He went on and on until he called on Elena. Stefan answered for her. I never knew how smart he was until proved Mr. Tanner wrong.


"Haz you need to join, your sister is here you used to do gymnastics, and you love dancing what keeping you from cheering," Bonnie asks as I walk up before going to sit on the football bench to talk about most of the players.

"Because most of the girls are stuck-up bitches that think they are on top of the world and are queen B. Plus I can do whatever I want in a studio or in my house," I reply answering Bonnie's question.

"It's not that bad Ruby," Elena tells me to make me change my mind.

"You realize I have heard every single reason to join from Caroline, it's the main reason I am not joining. My nerves can only handle so much. I love Care, but sometimes it's overbearing. Now if you excuse me, I will go sit on the football bench and laugh at the player's mistakes and pray for the two of you." I tell them to end the conversation and walk away before they say anything else.

When I go sit on the bench, I see Stefan walking. "Hey, I saw you earlier you should ask to try out."

Mr. Tanner was being an asshole but allowed Stefan to go grab gear to play. I looked back towards the field seeing Matt and Tyler. Ty waves at me, but I turn away seeing Caroline turn my sister away.

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