"You want the X-Geek right?" Pietro asked standing infrond of him and Lance nodded slowly.

"Show it to her! She needs reassurance she needs to know how you feel and be careful I am not telling you to go admit your feelings or some shit this is gonna scare her more" Pietro instructed and  Lance was thankful for his friend at that moment.

Lance thought they were gonna give him a hard time about his feelings for Kitty.

"Flirt with her.Make her feel how special she is to you" Pietro continued.

"And how do I do that?" Lance asked his far more experienced friend.

Well Lance had relationships before but never more than one night and he didn't want his relationship with Kathryn to be like those.

"This is gonna be more difficult than I thought. Fred go order pizza, a special with no pepper's for me and the rest of you pull out your notebooks and take notes this is a private lesson from the Pietro Maximoff How to make Kitty Cat fall for you Chapter 1..."

Pietro begun and Lance rolled his eyes while Todd listened with great interest.

(Kathryn's point of view) 

After I came back home everyone was asleep and I am actually thankful because if they found me sneaking in I would have to explain were I was.

And of course I would get a scolding for coming home at 2 in the morning.

I decided to take a long bath.

I needed something to relax my nerves before I go to sleep.

I walked down the hallway with my white towel on my hands and felt a weird sensation.

As if someone was walking behind me.

I felt alarmed and turned to look back holding my knife close only to find no one.


The mansion feels kind of haunted at night.

I thought and shoke my head at myself as i got into the bathroom turning on the light.

I looked at my rrflection and sigh.

This was a very productive day. I thought and untied my hair letting them fall on my shoulders.

I turned on the hot water and begun undressing.

I walked inside the shower and felt the water burning my skin.The water run all over my body and it got rib off all my tiredness but my thoughts hit me like a hurricane.

What happened at the carnival?

Was the first thing that popped in my head I tried to ignore what happened all day.

"It was probably my imagination" I thought out load.

Or is this what they want me to think.

I thought again and pressed my body aginst the wall. I flinched as the cold marble touched my back.

What was that... Was it a vision? A panic attack?

I am i going crazy? Or I am just paranoid?

Damnit maybe not having someone to fear gets on my head.

Since I have no enemy to fight I am trying to create one for myself but no.

I am not playing any more games.

ShadowCat And The X-Men(Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now