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The six sat in silence. Although, Sammy was chatting with Yaz it was pure silence. Brooklynn was still cold about the argument the other day and Darius didn't dare to even say a word. He didn't want to make anyone mad with his words. Ben walked over to Darius, Darius sat on the bottom bunk on the second flooring.

"Aren't you hungry?" Ben asked, gently sitting down in front of him. Darius shook his head slightly. "You okay?" Ben asked once more, Darius let out a sigh and nodded.

"Just tired." Ben slightly smiled, Darius smiled back.

"Get some rest." Darius nodded, he hadn't meant physically, but he didn't want to worry Ben either way. Kenji came stomping back up the tree house, throwing the water jugs onto the floor.

"We ran out of water and food!" He shouted, Sammy jumped off the top bunk making Ben and Darius jump.

"Jeez Sammy." Ben scootced near the edge up. Yaz jumped down as well making Ben recoil backwards in surprise. "Seriously!?" He jumped off before anyone else could. Darius snickered as he got off of the bed as well. Everyone gathered in the main area, Brooklynn gave Darius an annoyed look before changing her gaze to Kenji.

"We ran out of food and water, I don't know where anything went but its almost like someone stole it all." Kenji explained, pacing Infront of the others. Darius sat in front of Ben while  Brooklynn sat beside Ben. Yaz and Sammy stood behind the couch.

"We could try to see if there's any at Main Street, or I think a while ago I saw some crates." Yaz suggested, Kenji sighed then glanced at Darius as everyone turned their heads to him. Darius grew nervous, everything he said would affect everybody.

"Uhm...Yeah, let's split up and look for the crates and I can check Main Street." He said, chatters of agreement echoed. Ben opened his mouth to speak.

"Are you sure you should be going to Main Street by yourself?" Ben asked, Darius glanced at the others. He knew no one else would want to, and he didn't want anyone else to get hurt. If anyone had gotten hurt he would've never forgiven himself.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Promise." Darius promised, Ben sighed. He didn't like the idea of Darius being on Main Street all by himself.

"Actually, since there's an uneven number can I actually look for Bumpy? She hasn't visited us at all yet." Ben asked, Darius turned his head to look at Ben then nodded.

"Of course." He responded, Ben gave him a thankful smile. Darius nodded with a smile in return. "Right so, Yaz and Sammy you can go look for the crates near the train station, Brooklynn and Kenji you can look for water." Darius planned out, every nodded. They all took their time to started getting down from the treehouse then splitting ways.

Yaz whistled awkwardly as they walked through the forest towards the train station.

"Do you know where the train station is?" Sammy asked, peaking through the trees trying to remember where to go. Yaz glanced over at her.

"Uhh...Yeah! Kinda." Sammy sighed and decided to trust Yaz. Yaz had been feeling something lately. Like a stomach bug, it had been there for a while but when Sammy was around her it got worse. It wasn't something that made her feel sick. Yaz knew what it was, she had feelings for Sammy but she didn't know how to tell her.

"Sooo..." Sammy awkwardly glanced over to Yaz. They had never been this awkward before. Sammy felt a bit more comfortable than Yaz did. She had been feeling the same way as Yaz, but she learned to just accept it. Yaz took a deep breath, this would probably be the only calm moment they would have. This was her chance.

"Sammy..?" They both stopped walking, Sammy hummed examining her face.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Yaz smiled slightly with a nod. The more she stared at the other the more she felt nervous. Her stomach churned in fear of rejection. What if Sammy didn't like her back?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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