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Darius looked down at his food with a nervous feeling in his stomach. He searched the room deciding who to sit with. He sighed and walked over to an empty table. The feelings he had been experiencing were weird. His stomach ached with a nervous feeling, but it didn't feel particularly bad but he didn't like it. He picked at his food slightly then finally began to eat, trying not to look at anyone.

"Darius!" He jumped and looked up. One of his best friends looked back with a plate of berries. The pit in his stomach grew, but not in a bad way. He smiled to cover it up as Ben sat in front of him.

"Hey, why aren't you sitting with the others?" Darius asked, Ben raised a brow as he began to eat his berries.

"I should be asking the same thing." Darius looked down at his plate in slight embarrassment. Ben reached over the table and took one of Darius' berries. The younger boy looked up in offense.

"Hey!" Ben smiled and proudly ate the berry. Darius sighed frustrated and began to eat his own food.

"I don't like crowded places." Ben admitted, Darius' gaze moved to Ben. He gave Ben a light smile and nodded, understanding his feelings. "In fact, I don't like places with people in general." Ben added, Darius raised a brow. If he didn't like people why was he sitting with Darius?

"And why are you sitting with me then?" Ben froze, thinking about what to say. He just decided to shrug and covered it up by eating some berries. Darius sighed, they sat in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence.

"Hey D!!" Kenji ran over to Darius as he started to walk out into the forest Biome. Darius turned and hummed.

"What is it?" He asked, Kenji caught his breath then looked back up at him with a small smile.

"Can I come with you?" Kenji asked, even though he had no idea where Darius was actually going. Darius shrugged with a nod. With that, Kenji followed him into the Forest Biome. "Sooo..." Kenji broke the silence, Darius hummed trying to focus and remember where he was actually going. Kenji nudged Darius. "Can I trust you with something?" Darius raised a brow, his gaze turned to Kenji.

"Of course, is something wrong?" He asked, a bit more concerned than before. He turned through the path away from where he was originally going. If Kenji needed something, it wouldn't hurt to take a long way to Bug Eatie.

"Well I've been trying to figure out how to tell Brooklynn something.." He started, Darius smirked and raised a brow at Kenji. The older boy looked down at the ground in embarrassment.

"Is this what I think?" Darius asked, with a smile. Kenji shoved him, Darius started laughing as he stumbled over his feet. He shoved Kenji back. Kenji's face was filled with embarrassment and slight regret. "So, what advice do you need?" Darius asked, Kenji rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Well...I wanna ask her out. But it's totally okay if you also like her, I know you've liked her since the start dude." Kenji said, Darius raised a brow. He had never liked Brooklynn.

"What? I never even liked Brooklynn, what do you mean?" Darius asked, walked in front of Kenji to turn around so he was able to see his face clearly.

"Wait, then why have you been acting weird every time we were together as a group?" Kenji asked, Darius slowed down and returned to Kenji's side instead.

"I don't know what you mean." He said, Kenji scoffed, nudging Darius. The younger boy snickered, shaking his head.

"Do you have a little crush on someone D?" Kenji asked, raising a brow. Darius stayed silent. Kenji's jaw dropped in slight shock. "Who is it!? Sammy? Yaz?" Darius shook his head with a giggle. "What is it me? Am I just that handsome?" Darius laughed, shoving him.

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