Perilous Love

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USERNAME:- boredom_sucks1234

TITLE:- Perilous Love

GENRE:- Romance/Teen Fiction

DESCRIPTION:- Aella Lombardi is a teenager with a mafia background. She'd been homeschooled her entire life and after seventeen years, she's finally allowed to go to a normal school.

Luka Ivanov, born to be the Head of the Russian mafia was raised to believe that love was a thing that only existed in fairytails. He's brutal, he has no mercy.The two meet on Aella's first day of high school, he's the devil incarnate and she's an angel with a slight dark side.

WORDS FROM AUTHOR:- Aella is a girl who comes from a mafia family, what happens when she's finally allowed to attend a normal school and she meets a guy who piques her interest. He challenges her and fights her every step of the way. Join the two in their journey to find out who they are while figuring out how to love someone so deeply.

MATURE:- Nah, there's only a few torture scenes but they don't go into detail.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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