chapter 32: where is my brother??

Start from the beginning

"Indeed." I said with a chuckle.

Rei's communicator went off.

"Oh, answer that, that might be news of the rescue!" I said.

The rescue in question, was the one i issued over the misunderstanding. I hope that the senshi stopped the other in time and not killed the knight's allies.

Rei would nod and answer it. All i heard was "uh huh", "yes", "that's great!", and "good bye!" from Rei, before she hung up.

"Well?" I asked.

"Great news your highness! They're back and have brought the individuals in the lobby!" Rei stated.

"Wonderful! Let us greet them and explain the situation!" I said.

We would then walk into the lobby and was greeted by all the senshi and the knight's allies in the same room.

"THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER YOU WENCH!?" katsumi shouted, picking up haruka by the collar.

"I was following orders! You better unhand me, or else i will not hesitate to bring you down a notch or two, Katsumi!" Haruka said in a threatened tone. She looked pretty beat up.

"Do not worry my daughter, i will flay her alive! You hurt my son, you filth!" An older inarian woman said. I assume, she was katsumi's mother.

"Touch my love, i will drown you." Michiru coldly stated.

"You'll do no such thing!" The tengu replied. He was standing next to a lizard man....demon? He was absolutely soaked.

"Everyone calm down! We do not fight in the castle and we don't threaten each other! Its all a misunderstanding!" Exclaimed minako, trying to calm them down.

"I cannot believe this happened..... i was under the strongest impression we were fighting villains.....only for it to be a severe misunderstanding...." Setsuna said with remorse.

"EVERYONE STOP!!" Rei shouted.

Everyone would immediately direct their attention to her.

She would deeply inhale, then exhale, before looking at the crowd.

"The vision shown San standing in Tokyo set ablaze, as well as the jar opened by his feet. There were several figures before him, that followed him as well. So i interpreted it as him unleashing it all as an act of evil and conjuring up an army and suggested we act immediately to prevent a world wide catastrophe! However, the queen had a vision that had the same man in it, but it was a heroic standpoint, and nothing sinister. Upon going to the shrine and praying for clarity, we have come to the conclusion that it was a terrible misread and i am truly sorry! Please forgive me for my ignorance and being too hasty!" She said sincerely, bowing for forgiveness.

There was dead silence, aside from very quiet murmurs in the crowd.

The tengu would walk forward, looking directly at Rei. He didn't look angry at all.

"You're a shrine maiden and a sailor senshi right?" He asked her.

"Y...yes..." Rei said, seemingly on the verge of crying. She must feel extremely guilty for all this, I've always seen her as head strong and serious, to see her like this, must mean her mistake hit her pride as a shrine maiden hard.

"You serve your shrine and your queen. You seen her and her family in potential danger and acted accordingly. Your intentions were just and understandable. You seen a suspect vision that seemed dark and that gave you a lead on the threat and acted on it to protect your king, queen, and princess as you should. Yes, it was a misunderstanding, but its understandable what you did. You took no risks and didn't waste any time, sometimes acting fast is the best way to save lives. So i, do not blame you, for i would have done the same." He said.

"I'm a shrine maiden myself, and i must say, that some visions can be misinterpreted as either good or bad. Some of the context can be vague sometimes. So please, don't beta yourself up, miss mars." Said the lady inarian.

Rei would look down and nod, with some tears falling.

"Thank you....but i still feel bad for it all....." she said.

"The bigger issue, is where is my brother now??" Said katsumi.

"He was flung into some sorta building i believe. Didn't get a chance to get a good look at it." Said the lizard man.

"I went to that area after everything went down. He was missing from the crash site. There was no blood or anything, so it wasn't a demon attack. Something of higher intelligence took him." The tengu said.

This was troubling news. An innocent young man is in danger and is missing.

"Senshi and those that want to help, i need you to comb that area thoroughly! Work together as a team, there are monsters roaming about. I will select half of you to help deal with the demons city wide and the other half search for...." i said, before drawing blanks.

"San, San Manfred, your highness." Said Katsumi.

"San Manfred! The other half will search for him with utmost diligence!" I said.

After that, i selected the best ones for the jobs then dismissed them. I pray that he is alright.....

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