Chapter 3 Meeting

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I shook my head before gently pushed the student aside and walked into the room. The interior was what you would expected from the nurse office, the cabinet especially were filled with many medicines that I don't have full knowledge about. I coughed twice to attracted my slightly clumsy older sister.

"Nee-sa—I mean, Marikawa Sensei," for a moment, I almost called her what I usually did at home but I held myself back remembering there are two other students beside me. Since she was a close friend to my adopted sister, it was obvious that I would eventually get acquaintance with her, especially when she often visited the house to watch over me in Rika's place.

"Oh? Yu-kun!"

She turned around upon hearing her name being called. The moment she realized it was me, she quickly jogged toward me before pulling my head into her bosom. Without a sheer of shame, I sniffed her out. Man, she smells good. With her hand patting the back of my head, my mind was immediately at ease, I didn't even know I was quite stiff till now.

As much as I wished to remain like this forever, I had a more pressing issue. I unwillingly separated my head from heavenly bosom by putting my hands on her shoulders.

"Are you okay? Did the student do anything to you?"

"Of course not, you silly. I may looks weak but I could fight back if I wanted to you know?" She said before patting her enormous chest with a confident look on her face. I ignored her words and decided to check her body with my own eyes, it was indeed as she said—I couldn't find any bloody bite mark around her. Only then did I sighed in relief.

"Good, then let's go. God knows how many zombies are out there. The longer we wait here, the more likely the zombies will catch up."

"Fufu, that's right. I will tag along for now," Said Saeko. From what I can tell, she had not put her guard down even though there was no zombie in sight. As expected of a genius kendo.

"I-I will tag along too!" Said the four eyes. Huh, he was still here. I didn't know why I thought that he would've run away by now, was it his fate to die here and my arrival changed it? That could be it since my transmigration should be a special case. Not that I care though.

I at least knew that this world is from a fiction but, I didn't know exactly what it was. Seeing how stunning both Shizuka and Saeko, I can pretty much guess what kind of genre it was though. Thank you very much, Goddess-sama.

The three of us then head out, but when we were on the staircase, I noticed Shizuka was a little slower than the rest—it was most likely due to her skirt restricting her movement. I slowed my pace and whispered to her.

"Nee-san, can I tear your skirt a bit? You're kind of slow."

"No way! This skirt is expensive you know?!" She immediately rejected my offer without a second thought. I expected this to a certain extent, I knew that she really cares about her clothing. I recalled the time she was mad when Rika ended up using her brand shirt as a rag to wipes the spilled milk. She still looks cute though.

"Then don't mind if I do this," I said as I tried my best to concealed my intention before I lifted her up like a princess carry. She was surprised as to be expected, the rosy blush on her cheeks was especially evident for all to see.

"Kyah! W-What are you doing? Let me down!"

Saeko looked amused but she didn't say anything in the end. The four eyes though, he clearly wanted to say something judging by the jealousy looks he's giving me. Hah, look and behold the difference between us—I am the Mountain Tai that you should look up to!

"Unless you wanted me to tear your skirt? I don't think so," that did shut her up. Hehe, it's all going according to the plan! Not that I planned this but whatever. Thanks to Saeko clearing the zombies ahead of us, I don't have to do anything.

"...but am I not heavy?" She mumbled, but as she was close to me, I can hear her as clear as day. She should be heavy, though the current me doesn't feel that much different. It's fortunate that I had superhuman strength, otherwise I wouldn't dare to do this, especially in the world ending event.

"Kind of? You're healthy after all, not all skinny bones," I said in a whisper. She pouted, she then used her finger to repeatedly poke my chest while saying.

"Are you calling me fat? Hm, Yu-kun is it what I think it is?"

"Yeah, you have fat tits," I said without hesitation. It was fortunate that I was a little behind otherwise the two ahead of me could have heard me, not that I feel embarrassed if they do. I only speaks of the truth.

"Yu-kun!" Her flushing face was quite adorable that I couldn't help but wanted to tease her more, however now isn't a good time as we increased our pace when we heard sounds of something on the next building. It was where the faculty room and teachers office was, I couldn't help but wonder if any of my classmates are still alive.

I was certain some of them have a chance, especially Takagi Saya, she seems to have the brain unlike most. I wouldn't be surprised if she had already found out the zombies weaknesses, however her prideful personality might put others off unless they knew her a fair bit. She does emphasized a lot on her being a genius and whatnot, which seemed to suggests that she was lacking something.

With Saeko leading us, no zombies could survive her onslaught. Although the four eyes somehow grows to fear her as she seems to be enjoying her situation a little too much, I on the other hand finds her even more appealing. Fellas, is it weird to have a liking to a girl who could beat the crap out of me? No, I'm not a masochist.

Once we headed into the building, we went up the stairs to the second floor and it was there that we finally found the source of the sound. It was the air gun in Hirano Kouta's hands, he wasn't known as gun otaku for no reasons after all. He was defending Saya but the number of zombies put a strong pressure on him. Fortunately, Saeko and my other classmates, Miyamoto Rei and Takashi Komuro are on the way. The latter comes from the opposite hallways.

I don't need to do anything as they, well mostly Saeko took care of everything. When all the zombies had been cleared, I noticed some of them clearly relaxed their tense shoulders. And only then did they finally realized I was carrying Shizuka as the latter clutched to me, telling me to put her down but I insisted.

"Wait, why are you carrying Marikawa Sensei in a princess carry?" Kouta asked with a hint of jealousy in his tone. Saeko only chuckles lightly while the other girls looked at the situation with amusement. Komuro looks like he was a bit out of it, maybe something happens between him and Rei since they were both together.

"Why not? She isn't heavy anyway so it doesn't really matter," I stated as a matter of fact. I omitted the details despite knowing this will results in a misunderstanding. What's there to embarrassed about? I like what I like. I heard something about Shizuka whispering things like 'liar', but that must have been my imagination.

"Understandable, have a nice—Not! You think I would let this slide? No! I wanted to know exactly how this situation comes to be!" Kouta agitatedly said. If he could cry tears of blood, that might have already happened. But when Saya glares at him for making a loud noise, he piped down immediately. But what they didn't hear was him whispering to himself, "I just wanted to know so that I could replicate it in the future..."

Annihilation Maker of The DeadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora