Chapter 4 Plan

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After everyone introduced themselves to one another, I followed Saya out of curiosity. For the same reasons, Kouta too.


I subconsciously muttered when I saw Saya wearing glasses. Looking at the things in her hands, that must be her contact lenses or so I thought. So she was wearing them at school, I didn't think she had eyes problem since I had never once saw her with glasses. When I exchanged glances with the person next to me, Kouta raised his hand before showing me a thumbs up.

I was about to do the same when I feel a gaze on me, Saya turned around and glares at me before saying.

"What's wrong with glasses?"

"Nothing, really. In fact it looks good on you, you should be using them more often," I said with a smile. I don't particularly like or dislike the glasses, however, seeing her current appearance makes me feel especially strange.

It feels like I started up an unknown game title out of curiosity, then I realized I actually enjoyed it after playing it for half an hour. Yeah, I think she's awakening something in me.

Saya's face turned crimson like a tomato, she harrumphed and walk away from the sink before finding a seat to sit. I chuckles at her reaction, I also sit comfortably on a chair then letting my sight wander freely, though it eventually stopped at the television that was turned on by Rei.

On the screen, it showed a female reporter talking to the camera when something unexpected happened behind her. The corpse that had been sealed in suddenly sit up like something out of thriller movie. This caught them completely off guard, some of the police officers panicked and begins firing their gun at them. To their horror however, a few still survived the rain of bullets.

It was then that they saw many 'violent' people who walked out of the forest upon hearing the gunshots. It was pretty much pandemonium from then on, eventually not even the pretty female reporter was safe from harm before the channel was suddenly interrupted. It switched to another news channel where two clearly nervous male broadcasters explaining the reason behind the abrupt interruption—something about a small 'malfunction' and other bullshit.

"Why aren't they showing more?!" Komuro cried out as his face flushed with indignation. Just like everyone in the room, he wanted to know the cause of the apocalypse. And if there's the possibility of a cure, though it was highly unlikely with the way things had gone down so far.

I can kind of guess it thanks to the memory fragments from the Goddess, then the only things left was connecting the dots.

"They don't want to cause panic, duh," Saya confidently stated while pushing her glasses slightly upward. She then explained why fear will caused people to panic, thus chaos ensues. The government were still trying their best to managed the situation despite knowing it had already spiralled out of their control, which we all could see happening in real time by switching to a different news channel, especially overseas.

"This is horrible... there's no way this is happening," Rei mumbled with her face slightly paled. She was still at her wits end after experiencing the death of her boyfriend. Noticing her unstable mental state, Komuro reached out to her by patting her in the back. She smiles a little bit at his kind gesture. If it hadn't been for him, she might have gone crazy by now.

"Unfortunately, it's very real. This is without a doubt a pandemic situation," Saya calmly said without mincing her words one bit. Even for a genius like her, the current circumstance still took quite a toll on her mind. She was also worried about her parents, even now she was holding herself back from falling down to tears.

"Like the influenza in the past?" Komuro asked with a hint of uncertainty, he doesn't know much about such subjects unfortunately. Only that it's a dangerous case of pandemic, and that it killed a lot of people.

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