Vol. 2 Episode 11:No Brakes

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(Y/N):Fuck! We got another bomb!

Blake:Another bomb?!

Oobleck then ran to check all of them.

Oobleck:They ALL have bombs!

Another cart detached and blew up. We ran to the next cart to not die.

Yang:This doesn't make sense!

We then see multiple Grimm entering the tunnel from holes made from the explosions.

Oobleck:Oh, dear... He's leading Grimm to the city!


Oobleck:It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!

Blake:That's insane!

Another cart detached and exploded.

Oobleck:We have to hurry! You four, go below and try to stop those bombs!

Ruby:What about us?

Oobleck:We're going to stop this train.

Ruby:Yeah, I know. I said that earlier.

Location:White Fang Train
Time of Day:Unknown

(Y/N) pov:

Me, Yang, Weiss, and Blake entered the train to disarm the bombs.

Yang:Does anyone here know how to disarm them?

(Y/N):I know how to.

Blake:Good, then we can—

Before she could finish her sentence. We saw a White Fang Lieutenant barge through the door. She was equipped with a pair of small flamethrowers on her wrists.

(Y/N):Looks like we got company. You all go ahead. I'll deal with her and this bomb.

The three of them went ahead.

(Y/N):So, how we going to do this. You can lay down your wrist flamethrower things and I might let you live or we can fight with you dying a gruesome death alongside your white fang friends for hurting Ruby.

The Lieutenant didn't respond and remained silent.

(Y/N):Silent type. I respect that. Actions speak louder than words. So let's get this show on the road. Don't hold anything back!

I transformed both gauntlets into their Revolver Modes and started shooting at her with everything I got. She managed to dodge them then charged at me. She started to shoot fire at me but I dodged it just in time. I high kicked her to get some space between us.

(Y/N):Not Bad, I give you kudos for dodging my bullets. But your starting to bore me a little at how you can't hit me. I thought I told you to give me everything you got. So, come on! Hit me!

I transformed my weapons into their sickle mode and started slashing at her as much as possible. However, she managed to get a hit in on me. Sending me back a little. I looked down at my hand and saw blood dripping down. I wiped away the blood from nose and attacked again. I got a few cuts on her from my sickles. I then transformed my weapons into their gun modes and shot her kneecaps to prevent her from moving. I then began to clap for her.

(Y/N):Well done, my dear. You gave a good fight. I applaud you, truly. However, I can't let you live. I promised you what would happen. So now, farewell.

I transformed my right gauntlet back to standard mode and released the hidden blade. I then stabbed her in the neck with it. She fell to the ground and started gasping for air. I then shot her to finally put her out of her misery.

(Y/N):Alright, time to disable this bomb.

I try to the best of my abilities to disarm the bomb. After long minutes of trying to figure it out. I managed to disarm the bombs.

(Y/N):Alright, time to get out!

I tried opening the hatch. However it wouldn't open. I tried with all my might to get open. Then after a couple of more tries. I felt the train crash. As I started to be flung around the room. I hit my head and blacked out.

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Sunset

Ruby pov:

I woke up from the crash with a splitting headache. I looked and saw we were in the city and people were gathering around us. I saw everyone else start to wake up.

Ruby:Where's (Y/N)?

I then heard one of the hatches from the train bust open and (Y/N) emerged from it. I could tell he wasn't doing the greatest. He began to stumble around. He then stumbled over to me and fell to the ground. As he did a huge King Taijitu emerged from the rubble. Behind it, Grimm of many kinds. Beowolf, Ursa, Deathstalker, Creep, Nevermore, even Counter-Hunters. An alarm started(which did not help with my headache) alerting that Grimm have entered the city. It was now time for the 5 of us to defend the city.

Credits time

Red Roses:Vale Saga(Ruby Rose x Reader/OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon