Chapter 62: Identity Verification

Start from the beginning

"Me...ow..." The miniature-sized mystic beast crawled up with a pitiful look, as though it was hurt from the fall, it limped its way back to her.

Zhu Yao's heart clenched, and activated all of her defensive mechanisms. She had not forgotten how ferocious this mystic beast was in the Secret Realm. She habitually thought of summoning her own flying sword, only to realize that she did not have a single thread of spiritual energy in her body. The hell, damnable resurrection debuff.

She turned around and carried up the rock beside her. Even if she did not have any spiritual energy, she still had physical strength. "Don't come near me! If you come any closer... I will smash you to death!"

The mystic beast was startled. Its pair of black slippery eyes looked directly at her... looked at her...

And then, slowly, a layer of mist rose, as though it was about to cry in the very next moment.

Zhu Yao who was carrying the rock: "......"

Hey, you're the one bullying people. What are you trying to pull here?

"Wuu... wawawa..." As expected, that mystic beast laid on the ground, pedaled its paws, and began to wail out loudly.



"Stop crying!"


"I won't smash you anymore."


"I really won't smash you, alright?"




"Shut up!"

"......" The crying stopped.

It just had to make her angry. Zhu Yao felt a terrible headache. Walking over, she squatted next to the miniature-sized mystic beast, and poked its little head. "Tell me, why are you here?"


"Why are you following me?"


"Just what are you planning?"


"Meow, your ass!" Zhu Yao raised her hand and gave it a slap. "You're still acting? Don't think I'm unaware that you're able to speak." That old man in the Secret Realm had already said it, this thing descended from the Higher Realm. Demonic beasts that did not possess the ability to shapeshift, would be able to change its form after reaching the tenth-rank. At the very least, it was an eleventh-ranked demonic beast, so it was impossible for it to be unable to speak.

The mystic beast used its two front paws to stroke the part of the head she smacked, while it continued to look at her with a pitiful look, and weakly squeezed out a response. "It hurts~"

Zhu Yao's expression darkened. She hugged and cracked her fists, emitting crackling sounds, as she said with a cold smile. "Do you believe that I will hurt you even more?"

The mystic beast's expression paled, and instantly properly knelt down. Fearfully looking at her, its little eyes rolled. "I dropped into the Severed Lands as well, that's why I'm here."

"Lies!" Zhu Yao once again gave it a slap. "The number of things that fell into the Severed Lands were many, why are you the only one here then? Are you thinking I'm dumb!?"

It lowered its head, and looked as though it admitted its mistake. "Before I fell, I... I hid inside your divine sense as well, so..."

Zhu Yao frowned, this might be a possibility. Back then, she was only holding onto her last breath, if someone were to take that opportunity to enter her divine sense, it would be absolutely easy.

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