Chapter 14 - So Close Yet So Far from Paradise

Start from the beginning

"But they're doing the Paradise song sequence, and you're playing the woman who says something to Elvis's character after he sings in the prison. And they're doing the tambourine song sequence. You need to be there since you play one of the women."

I knew that, and I hated it. I groaned.

"Just go. I'm going to be on the set, too, since they're filming some scenes with the princess in them. I'll be your moral support." She rubbed my shoulder. "Okay?"

The reality of it was, I would have to face Elvis at some point, if I didn't suddenly go home. Something told me that I wouldn't be going home any time soon. Hopefully. I liked it in the 60s far too much. If I had extra time, I would go find my family.

I sat up again out of the covers and faced my pretty roommate. "Okay, okay, I'll go. But I'm not going to like it."

"Oh, I think you'll like it. Every woman wants to be around the man she loves."

I didn't respond to that as she was grinning at me. I got out of bed and got ready, mainly showering since Gene liked having my hair in its natural wave for the movie. I knew I would regret going to the set, but Mary Ann was right—I never backed down. I would face Elvis like the strong-headed, determined woman that I was.

~ ~ ~

My heart pounded, hard, as Mary Ann and I entered the studio. People were bustling about, even though it was only 7:45 in the morning. I prayed that I would only see Elvis on the set when we had to be in character, and we wouldn't have time to talk. I would do the scene, then leave and work on my article back in the apartment.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Mary Ann said, and she headed down a hallway after a little side-hug. Unfortunately, I had to walk through the main set to get to my dressing room. As I headed there, I stopped before going through the door that led into the set area.

"Okay, just get this done, okay? If he's out there, just walk on by, don't talk to him." I took a breath of courage as I opened the door, and my heart hammered. I saw the prison set, and... there he was, dressed up in his character's attire. I tried to keep myself hidden behind people and camera stands so he wouldn't see me. I hid behind one for a moment and saw the other door I needed to go to. I hated that my dressing room was in the same hallway as Elvis's.

"Just go," I urged myself, and briskly walked to the door. In my side-vision, I saw Elvis look over at me. "Dang it," I muttered, and only a couple seconds passed before my arm was grabbed, and I was being dragged to that door and through it.

"Elvis, let me go!" I demanded as he cantered down the hallway with me. I tried to loosen his hold on my arm, but to no avail. "Let go!'

He opened another door, and this one had his name on it. We came in, and he let me go and faced me, his gaze hard. I went for the door, but he blocked my way before I could escape. My heart was banging my ribcage, making me hear it in my ears, and heat encumbered my whole face.

"I'm not gonna let you outta here until we talk, okay?"

"I have to get ready for the shot. Dang it, Elvis, don't do this right now! Stop being impulsive!"

He smirked in a disbelieving way. "You're askin' me not to act impulsive? Who's the woman who ran away after what happened last night, huh?" He took a step up to me, and his gaze softened, pleading with me. "Please just tell me straight out, okay? Why'd you run?"

Those sad, blue puppy-dog eyes were making this difficult. My mind reminded me of what Mary Ann told me earlier. Maybe it was time to just let my guard down. "Okay. Fine. What you're thinking is correct."

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