'He's not just destroying matter, he's recreating it. This is far beyond the scope we had of his quirk.' Looking back, Mirio noticed that his main escape route was blocked as well as the one behind Overhaul.

"I'm only going to say this once. Give me back Eri. You do that, and this can go a lot smoother."

"I'm not giving her back to you." Mirio held Eri close to him, not afraid to speak out against OVerhaul.

"What is it with people like you always wanting to play hero. It's annoying. You're risking your life for someone that honestly doesn't want to be saved. Don't you see the bigger picture here? The world is suffering from a disease and it's because of this disease that people like you are suffering from this hero mentality." Overhaul slammed his hand on the ground to create multiple spikes to attack Mirio and Eri again with Chrono getting back up to attempt to shoot them. Fortunately for the Permeation quirk user, he was able to use his cape to cover his and Eri's body to make it impossible to see them.

'He's concealing my field of vision.'

"I always wondered why heroes wore capes. They seem so pointless to me." Overhaul asked as he prepared for another attack at the cloaked two.

"Capes aren't meant to be used for frontal image." Mirio popped up from behind Overhaul for him to only glance at him before getting a punch to the face. "THEY'RE TO COVER THOSE THAT NEED IT THE MOST!" In the cape, Eri pulled it off from her head to watch the man who was trying so desperately for her face off against the man she saw as a tormentor with shock. 'Predict his next movements. Prepare for the next attack.' Mirio spoke to himself as he noticed Chrono go for his gun again for Eri. He stopped this by knocking him out and taking the bullets out of the gun before dodging another attack by Overhaul and giving him a roundhouse. "I WON'T STOP NO MATTER WHAT! BECAUSE I WANT TO MAKE SURE ERI CAN SMILE WHEN THIS IS ALL OVER!"

The dedication to this shocked everyone in the room with Overhaul unable to land a blow and keep up with the young hero in training. 'This isn't turning out well. If this goes on, we might lose here.'

"Sir!" Nemoto came from a small crevice in the wall for the villain to get an idea.

"Nemoto! Shoot!" He threw a case holding what looked like small darts in it to the Hassaikai member. Unknown to the pros, Overhaul was able to finalize his product and create a quirk erasure bullet. Doing as his boss ordered, Nemoto filled a cartridge of a gun with the bullet and aimed at Mirio.

'How can I get him? If I can't hit his physical body, the bullet will just phase past him. I also cannot waste more of Overhaul's bullets than needed.' He thought about this before noticing Eri. 'Of course. The only way to defeat him is to aim for his weakness.' He shot a round at Eri for Mirio to notice this and see the act. Knowing he had no time to second guess, he went right for Eri hoping to at least cover her with his body.

'No matter what, I will protect her. Because that's what a hero does. They save people.' Eri shut her eyes preparing for the initial pain before seeing a shadow over her. When she looked, it was Mirio looking at her in the face and smiling. Not long after, the sound of the bullet hitting Mirio was heard for a strange feeling to go through his body. Immediately after, he could no longer feel his quirk in his body anymore.

"Now what are you going to do, hero? You lost your quirk and now you're defenseless. You can't even protect yourself now, let alone Eri." Overhaul spoke in a somewhat boisterous tone as Mirio stood up. "Now you're powerless!" Overhaul tried to attack again for him to suddenly see Chrono flying at him. Overhaul pushed him to the side to see Mirio come at him.

"Even if I don't have a quirk." He gave a solid punch to Overhaul's forearm for the sound to echo through the area. "I'M STILL LUMILLION!" Reacting in anger, Overhaul attacked with swiping his hand, forcing Mirio to bend back out of his reach. He then kicked the villain in the stomach and forcing him to slide back.

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