chapter 19:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Dutch: i'm shock Balalaika isn't needed your help

Destroyer: she's has winter soldier to help. She wants me spend more time with .....

Dutch: what i'm just smiling

Destroyer: i get too embarrassed about this

Revy: oh come on. Me & y/n ....

Dutch: HAHA you two can't handle it

Revy: oh shut up. Y/n?

Y/n: more concerned about 6 murders in hotel moscow. Never seen Balalaika this angry before

Destroyer: ikr... her not so secret boyfriend barnes is here so she's happy

Rock: 冬の兵士


Winter soldier came to the meeting. Russian mafia soldiers saluted & he nodded. Balalaika noticed his presence. She hid her blush.

Bucky: ma'am. 6 murders?

Chang: unfortunately yes

Bucky: great. All factions are not war against each other. Chang's men where killed the same way as your men did. Same goes for other factions two. Sorry i just met you two

Abrego: oh no no your good

Bucky: its not abrego or him Either captain. Someone from outside likes cause trouble causes all of you guys to kill each other. Destroyer said that whoever that is they want you guys to go after single target. Person responsible for all these murders

Chang: you seen this before?

Winter soldier: what do you think?

Verrocchio: i see what your saying

Winter soldier: Balalaika its not a farc. Calm down please

Captain looked at him. Her eyes shimmering & sighed. Nodded. He smiled.

Boris: you need Destroyer?

Balalaika: nah. He's done so much for hotel moscow & chang. He's deserves a break. Made a promise to eda after all. Hotel moscow will not tolerate people as well interrupting our operation


Lex revy y/n & rock at the restaurant.

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