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FIFTY-ONE DAYS, October 8th of 2010. Kala drove silently, quietly clearing roads and burning the dead. She clearned homes and shops and every other building. She had many small fires, but none were large enough to draw attention.

It was quiet as her worked, she barely made any noise for a reason. She'd sing along in her car as it was sound proof, but she didn't want to attract attention.

Atlanta was a gold mine. She got jewels, gold, cash, and quite a few places that were perfect to make jewels. She packed away three banks within that first day and she knew there were about twenty more.

There was a lot of veins of gold, silver, even jewels beneath the city. She was careful when removing it, using Kryptonese Magi runes to do it.

The second day, Kala cleared a few larger stores and a Walmart. The dead were everywhere. She had only been there two days and she had rekilled and burned over two hundred undead.

She was just glad to have created a rune that let her conjure a blade of pure light that burned the undead without needing to start more fires than she already did.

The third day, she got even more large stores, including a few jewelry stores. She was glad to have more equipment and raw jewels. The jewelry was nice so she took it, but she left the cheap stuff having no use for it.

On the fourth day, Kala finished the smaller part of the city and decided she wouldn't be clearing the entire city. She sped around the city getting anything she wanted, taking out walkers and putting things in her ship before continuing.

She didn't clear everything from all shops as she didn't want everything. Fabrics, cash, food that was still good, clothes and shoes, jewelry of value, containers, stationary, bags, and everything in between.

For four more days, she sped around the city and got what she wanted, organizing it in her ship. She cleared the veins of value beneath the city during the night. She used the veins that could be used to make jewels until they couldn't amymore.


AFTER SIXTY DAYS, Kala decided she had enough. She would still gather things, but she wasn't seeking to clear everything anymore. Driving along a main road to leave the city, Kala decided to ignore that there were survivors in the city.

They didn't sound bad, just untrained and scared. Seeing the rain start falling as she drive, she paused an groaned, cursing her hero complex.

Parking on the other side of the fense, Kala jumped out shutting the door behind her, thankful that her hair was in a braid bun going down her back and out of the way.

Grabbing her Kryptonian short swords off her back, she flipped over the large fense and began to quietly cut her way through the dead as the smell washed off the humans.

She knew she was being watched with shock as she made her way through the undead with ease. She got to the two men and nodded to the fense.

They took off running and chopping their way through the dead. At the fense they struggled so Kala ran and jumped, running up the fense in two steps so she didn't seem non-human. She grabbed the two by the undershirt and pulled them over.

Flipping as the momentum pushed her off the edge. Landing in a crouch, she offered the two a smile tossing the younger the keys to the truck as they pulled off the undead coated clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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