2: Tommy

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{[TW: more implied child abuse, it's actually talked about.] Stay safe and enjoy reading!}

"Fine. Something is up." Tommy sighed, "Last night was rough. Ma is gonna be out 'til next week so, y'know, they're just doin' what they do." He took off his hoodie, I shall not describe the injuries but let's just say, he looked like a bloody and bruised skeleton.

"What happened? Who is 'they'? What did they do?" Mama Q asked, voice laced with concern.

"It's not important. 'They' is Phil, Techno and Wilbur. As I said, it's not important, they're 'family' or whatever." the raccoon hybrid explained, shrugging.

"Not important?!" Tubbo and Mama Q shouted in unison, causing Tommy to flinch.

"Child, is everything ok at your house? Are you ok?" Quackity pried.

"Yeah, this is normal, they do it every time ma's outta town for a week or more. They say that I make them work more and they say that I'm useless and they say all these things that they've always said and I'm fine. Completely fine." Tommy murmured, tearing up slightly. Tubbo hugged the raccoon hybrid, careful not to touch the injuries. "Big Man,that's not ok. You're not ok. But things eventually will be ok." He let go after a few seconds.

"Child, if you want, you can stay here, there's a guest room next to Tubbo's, or you can stay in Tubbo's we have a spare mattress." Mama Q stated.

"Really?" Tommy's voice was laced with hope, "I mean- uh- cool, I'll keep that in mind." he looked away, crossing his arms.

Next time he went 'home', Tommy packed the few things he actually liked, mostly things from his mother, into a backpack. When he next goes to Tubbo's house, he's gonna stay. He was so glad to finally leave this hellhole, but he'd miss his ma, hopefully he'll still be able to see her from time to time.

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