Start from the beginning

So I think we’ll go with Nami’s POV first

Takeout POV #1:

Nami’s POV

Just when the day couldn’t any weirder, I drop-kicked a guy who I thought, without even letting him get the chance to talk first, was gonna kidnap me. Long story short, we introduced ourselves and he’s new here.

I agreed to show him around a bit while I get some (slight unecessary) stuff for Vivi.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get you anything from the store at all?" I asked,

"Maybe something like an ice pack, now that you asked for the second time" He rubbed the back of his head,

Well I did knock him over like it was nothing so it's best I could do for him right now,

"😅 Sorry again. Maybe I can tell you a thing or 2 about this place while I do so"

We then started to hold a conversation as we walk forward, asking each other random things. I then asked about where he's from, turns out he's from a far country in the North Blue Sea, very far from those in the East Blue, almost like an 18 hour flight ✈️ or should I say a 3 days flight…or even longer

I may love to travel for geographical studies at times but a flight that long, is such a pain and kinda nauseous, spoken from experience.

"Dressrosa, huh?" I said with interest, as we made it to freezers almost at the back of the store, to pick up some yogurt Vivi favored from this city,

"I stayed over in that country from time to time" He replied,

"What about your original home?"

"I go back occasionally, I'm much too popular where I'm from and sometimes I just have to get away" He added with a not-so-sad tone but with a striking gleam in his eyes,

I clutched the shopping basket after I picked up a few more things, now all that's left is to look for the ice packs in another section, not before I tilted my head in confusion to Cavendish,
"Popular? How?"

"Yeah, you see-" He got interupted by a sudden scream,

I jumped a bit when I saw a girl squealing at the sight of him and then fainting in admiration when he just sent a wave her way,


I was really confused now,

"What I was trying to say was, you see, I'm extremely popular with the ladies in my hometown and they just can't seem to get enough of me wherever I go" He finished with a wink, and a couple more people passed by with flushed faces or almost passing out onto the displayed frozen foods,

I laughed a bit awkwardly in the back of my mind while I went back to continue searching for those bags of ice that seem to have lost their way from their original position,

'Where are those little guys?"

"Now my turn to ask a question, dear, what about your family?"

"My family, well" I started, "My parents are kinda busy people, but they still make time for me and my sister. I have a cousin who's staying with us at our house for while. Now the family's back together in one place"

"Sounds like one good family"

"Yeah we are 😜" I smiled brightly, just as I finally found some small bags of ice,

I grabbed one, then glanced a bit to see if the bruise have gone down a bit on my new companion,

'Come to think of it, he does look a little bit like Sanji, just different hair length, or maybe it's just 'cause he's blonde and--' My train of thought was paused when I saw another patch of blonde hair from someone behind him but a little further back and not that close to us,

A Cup Of Love ☕ (Sanji x Nami) ~INSPIRED~Where stories live. Discover now