Christmas Special

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25th of december.-My favourite time of the year.  Although I didn't  get to spend it with my family cause they were out on some mission or something. Surely they were gonna make it up to me,and give me the best presents ever,but I would still miss them. Anyways... I had to stop thinking about everything,and chill a  bit. Besides  I have some amazing friends here,I can spend some time with them. 

Everyone was so happy cause Lin dismissed all of the classes,for the Christmas party tonight. I honestly didn't get why everyone was having this excitment...It was a bit like the  Legacy Dance,but with presents. Meh,I didn't want to join,cause first I had nothing to wear,and I just don't like parties like those too much. Anyways...I wanted to stay at my room,listen to music or go out to the cinema and watch some movies.

_____________________________TIME SKIP__________________________________________

It was like 10pm,I was already in my PJ's reading a book on my bed whilelistening to some music,when I heard a knock on my door. 

''Come in!'' I shouted when Saya opened the door and got inside my room. I got up and I sat on my bed,looking at her,as she sat on the other side of the bed. 

''What are you doing here?'' Aren't you supposed to be at the party with Maria or?'' 

''Oh,I was. But,someone is missing. '' 

I gave her a confused look,although I knew what she meant. 


"Come on Y/n come and have some fun''

She said holding my hand. 


I refused.  

"Please Y


She begged me to come while still holding my hands. 

"Saya,come on...I am not that much of a party person..." You know that damn well"

She got up and pulled me in,and she tried to make me dance. I could see she was tipsy but she was so cute. 

" Try to have some fun for once...We are gonna daaanceee,drink..."

i giggled with her. How could I say no to her? I sighed a bit. 

"Fine, I am coming,but just for a bit,okay?!''

She smiled at me. 

"Yes,I got you out of your shell."

"Ýeah,now come on..leave. I have to get dressed."

"Why can't I watch?" 

"Cause you're my best friend, Saya. Now come on...Wait for me at the party. "


"No buts...Come on. I will see you there... I promise!"


I helped her walk out the door,and locked it the minute I closed it. Why did I say "Yes" ugh...I hated myself at the moment,but I keep my promises,so... I opened my wardrobe and searched for something more appropriate to wear. I thought I had nothing until... I have found my red dress and high heel boots. The dress was red and the boots were black. Typical christmas colours. I was gonna fit the theme perfectly. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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