The new guy

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Hey guys! I know this is going to be a bit different from what I write...I am usually a Chico Salazar Stan,but since I have so much friends that love Marcus,I decided to change a bit. Yes Chico and Juan are still my number #1. I'm making this for my closest and one of my best friends Theodora. I love you so much 🥰.


11:30 pm. I was at my room, studying for "Poison Lab" classes,since I couldn't go to bed. I couldn't stop thinking of my friends. Saya and Maria. Lin told them to get some homeless guy in here. "Since when did King's became a shelter ?" I thought to myself as I giggled,and continued writing down poisons. Time went by,but I couldn't stop thinking of the guy they had to get.

"Why is he so important?"

" If he's that good,why is he homeless?"

" What happened to his family?"

"Hm...Is he cute?"

But then I cut off my own thoughts.


But when I looked at the clock it was already like 2am. I was writing for ,and then got dressed,as I took my hair in a bun, because it was still wet.
Then,got my backpack,and started running to my classes. On the way there I bumped into someone,and my backpack,and the books in my hand,fell on the ground,along with me.

"Δεν μπορεί να γίνει χειρότερη αυτή η μέρα;»

I mumbled to myself,but then a man's hand took mine,and helped me get up,and handed me all my books.
We looked at eachother,and I got lost in his beautiful eyes. I looked at him more. Dark, curly hair,scar under his eye, good lips, perfect nose...Wow. he was perfect. That must be the new guy. And suddenly I got the answer to my question from last night. He was good looking,but of course everything had to end,when I heard the bell. "I'm sorry,I gotta get to Poison Lab classes." I said, walking away,and I heard him shout. "Hey,I didn't catch your name..." But Brandy only laughed at him, cause I didn't reply, just continued walking. I got into classes,and sat on my place. Everyone had a partner,but the seat next to mine was empty. Weird. I usually sat with that weird guy Jaden,now he's gone. Maybe he switched classes,or got killed. I'd be happy either way,cause he's finally gone.  Like 10 minutes in the class have passed,and then we all heard the door open,and someone rushed in. I looked up from my book,and saw the new guy.

M: "I'm sorry I'm late. I'm new and I got lost"

Mr. Denke looked at him,and just said

"Don't let this happen again"

New guy just nodded and sat next to me.

M: You're the girl I bumped into earlier... I'm sorry about your books.

T: Are you like following me or something?

He looked at me weirdly.

M: We just  have the same classes.

T: Yeah,and you decided to sit next to me,out of all free sits. Why are you following me like a lost puppy?

M: I just wanted to say I'm sorry,no need to be harsh.

He said taking out his books,and he started looking at them.

15 minutes has passed in the class,and it felt like hell.  Why was the time running so slow today? Suddenly,someone poked me,and whispered.

M: I didn't catch your name.

T: Why do you wanna know my name?.

M: I am trying to talk to you,so you won't die here. I see how bored you are.

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