Part 7-

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I woke up at around 3 as I felt eyes on me. I stayed put for a bit, not wanting to look over. I moved more into Colby, and he grabbed me.

"Do you feel eyes on you too?" He whispered.

"Mhm." I mumbled.

"Just- Get closeish." He muttered. 

I scooted in more, and got the courage to look behind me. I turned my body around so my bad was pressed into Colby. I cracked my eyes barely. A tall black figure stood as I pushed more into Colby. It was to the point where I was Making him hold onto me so tight, it hurt to breathe. Thats how scared I was. I turned back to Colby and my face brushed his.

"Theres something over there." I trembled.

"I know." Colby said, as I watched his face morph into something.

I screamed and jumped back. I fell onto the floor as a now demon looking thing crawled over me. Its face morphed again. It turned into Tyler. Fuck. With his dumb braids, and his white ass. 

"Im never gone, Hunter. Remember. Im still watching you." His voice was deep, and terrifying.

"Please- Im sorry Tyler!!" I cried as I felt tears rush down my face. 

"Ill be back." He crawled ontop of me.

"No! This is my l-ife!" I sobbed.

"It doesnt stop evil forces from coming for you." He laughed.

"Please! Just- LEAVE!" I screamed.


I shot up from the bed, gasping for air. I felt a arm slid off me as I realized I had been crying, and sweating. I looked back and saw Colby. Same old Colby. No Tyler. I was okay. It was just a nightmare.

"Are you okay?" Colby asked me, as he had woke up from my heavy breathing.

"Yeah Im okay." I took a deep breath. "What time is it?" 

It was a tad bit light out.

"6:21." He scooted to me. "Seriously, are you okay? You're crying."

"Yes. It was just a damn nightmare." I got a bit angry that he asked about it.

"Okay, Im sorry. Lay back down Hunter and go back to bed. Its early." He looked at me.

God I couldnt be mad at him. 

"Alright. For a few minutes." I muttered, laying back down.

I was unable to go back to bed, so I was alone with my thoughts. Tyler was like super spiritual. He could disconnect  his soul from his body. He can still watch me. What if he still was? God. I cant hold it back any longer. I was gonna make a uh- video about it later. I havent told anyone. Ill have our little group together, and Ill tell them. Should I tell them about the suicide attempts? The Self harm? I guess I would. It was part of it anyway.  Why I got into my addictions? Yeah.

"Hey Colbs?" I spoke, hoping he was still awake.

"Yeah Hunter?" He replied.

"I wanna tell the group something a bit, uh, deep. Later. I wanna make a video on uh. Tyler." I started. "I cant do it alone though. So if you dont mind. I wanna tell you guys my story."

"Thats no problem Hunter. We can all listen. We'll be there with you for when you make the video aswell." Colby sat up.

God. They were so sweet. I loved them all. Colby, Sam, Kayla, Jake, Aaron, Colby.

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