Part 1-

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Me, Hunter, The pussy. Was gonna go under a bridge and stay the night. Oh, and summon fucking demons. Aha funny. Wait, This would be a great idea for a video. 

I ran off and up to my room, as I grabbed a backpack. I grabbed a few things for a overnight. Like blankets, Food, some waters, and my camera.

I heard Kayla running up the stairs. 

"I have the Boarddd!!" She Squealed.

"Oh god. Lets go." I said, Trying to act tough before walking out of my room, and the house.

I didnt live far from the bridge she was talking about. I was assuming it was the bridge a girl recently jumped off of.

"Ohmygod do you think TFIL will be there?" Kayla Yelled out, but quietly?

TFIL and Sam and Colby were her new obsession.

"Probably not. But if we do, pretend youre scared so we can hangout with them" I grinned.

"Okok!!" She screetched

We kept walking before we made it to the walk down. Then, I heard a branch crack.

"What the fuck was that??" I said quickly.

"Probably a deer." Kayla spoke.

We kept walking, and we finally made it to the bridge. Voices.

"Sh. I hear people." I whispered.

"Dude, Elton. Is your finger okay?" I heard a male voice.

Kayla looked at me, as her eyes lit up. Holy shit. TFIL. Elton.

"That was Corey." Kayla whispered, Barley able to hold her excitement. 

"Ohmygod thats them" She said quietly. "Its Them."

"Shh." I spoke.

"Yo what was that? I heard whispers." I heard Corey say.

"Shh." Amanda hushed them all.

"Hello?" Colby Yelled out.

"Hello?" I had yelled back

"Person?" Colby said, But a bit quieter now.

"Yeah!" I laughed.

"You scared us shitless." Elton spoke.

"Sorry, Our bad. We just saw like, eyes in the distance and we heard people who could possibly like protect us." Kayla lied to them

"Nah, EYES?" Corey said.

"Yup." I talked.

"We dont mind if you two stay with us for a bit! I hope you dont mind where recording." Amanda said.

"Amanda we dont know them?" Sam cautioned.

"Its fine Sam. I need some more girls to talk too. Plus if theres something out there we dont want them to get hurt." Amanda beamed.

"I mean I dont see why they couldnt stay with us." Colby agreed.

"Alright. All we ask at the moment is your names." Corey had spoken up for the first time in a bit.

"Okay! I'm Kayla and thats Hunter." Kayla said. I was surprised she could even keep her cool.

I raised my hand and waved 

"Now what are your guys names?" Kayla spoke again.

"Im Amanda, Thats Elton." Amanda answered.

"Im Corey, Thats Sam and Colby." Corey stated as Sam raised his hand and waved.

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