Part 3-

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I woke up before my alarm. Around 10 minutes. I had drool all over my face. Damn that was a good nap. I sat up slowly, to see Kayla sitting by me. 

"What time is it..?" I mumbled.

"Around 2:10" She replied. 

"im gonna go get dressed." I said.

"Alright." She smiled.

I wiped my face, and stood up. Then I went into my room. God that was a great nap. I went to my dresser, and looked for a outfit. When I found one, I quickly changed so I could do my makeup. 

That outfit took a while to find

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That outfit took a while to find. I then went to my bathroom to get my makeup on. Sitting down on a stool in my bathroom, I got to work. After I was done it ended up looking pretty good.

 After I was done it ended up looking pretty good

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My makeup looked like hers. I would say I looked pretty good. Checking the time,  I saw it was 2:43. Ill go make sure Kaylas ready.

I left my room, back to where Kayla was. She was already ready.

"Ready to go? Were gonna walk" She spoke.

"Wait, I have to grab some things." I stumbled on my words.

I ran over to the kitchen, and grabbed a flashlight from the counter. I quickly walked back out.

"Okay, Lets go!!" I shouted happily.

We left the house, and locked the door. Walking, it was silent. Ya know that thing when its not like awkward, but you just never have anything to say? Thats what this was. We kept walking, until we rounded the corner. Colby was waiting outside. He kept looking back and forth before he saw us.

"Hey!!"He yelled. "You made it!" He smiled before running over to us.

"Yup. I have a flashlight just in case." I grinned.

"Alright. Its a bit of a uh, drive. So I hope you dont mind riding in a car." He laughed.

"Nah its fine. Did you bring the camera Kayla?" I asked.

"Yup." She replied.

"So wheres this car?" I asked Colby.

"Wait here, and Ill go grab Sam." He said.

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