Chrissy pov

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TW: mentions of death, blood, gore, hallucinations, and drowning.


I sat in the crisp, morning air by a nearby lake I had found. I ran my fingers over it and played with the water trying to recount every decision that lead me here. I hugged my knees and thought about the possibilities for this new life. I was scared but knowing that everyone else here is scared too makes me that much more confident about this. But I also can't shake the feeling that its my fault for all this...

"How could you do this to me...."

I jumped and looked around for the cause of the voice and accross the lake saw Jason.... but he wasn't the Jason I knew....

He was pale and his eyes looked like they belonged to someone who already departed to the spirit world.

The scariest part was the knife through his lower stomache, blood began to spill from his mouth and he pointed at me, "You did this to me," it was hard to tell what he was saying through the coughing of blood.

"Jason!" I got up in an instant as he stumbled and fell through the water.

"JASON!" I jumped into the water after him and found it was a lot colder than I had anticipated, I looked around through the water and felt a tug on my collar, my lungs burned for breath, but my heart wouldn't give up on him.

I fought and fought but eventually logic and whoever was tugging on me won over my heart and I was let out for air.

It was immediate screaming and shouting then it was nothing.


Cliffhanger 😶😶 also merry christmas!! If you have some ideas or suggestions they are always welcome just private message me and I'll respond as soon as I realize you even messaged! Have a great day/night/evening! Drink food eat water!

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