chapter 2

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I woke up to my dad banging the door.

"Can i come in?"

"Yea sure"

"Why are you dressed like yesterday"

"I was so tired that i fell asleep as soon as i touched the bed" i said

"Ok, but get ready quickly that we need to get going, you need to be downstairs in 10 minutes"


I tried to change and do my skincare as fast as possible. When i finished washing my face i picked an outfit i put on a skirt and a sweater because it was warm outside, and some black jordans for shoes.

 When i finished washing my face i picked an outfit i put on a skirt and a sweater because it was warm outside, and some black jordans for shoes

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I went downstairs, my dad was already in the car so i grabbed a banana and went with him.

"Mira quien apareció (look who showed up)"

"HAHA, as is if i took a long time, 9 minutes, counted" I said laughing

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The ride to the training wast that long, ir was like 10 minutes.

When we got there i was getting nervous, i dint know why, but i was.

"Are you sure its ok for me to come with you" I said

"Obvio, i already talked to the team, they were exited, plus some players are your age"

" Oh really"

When we went into the stadium i saw al the team warming up. Then my dad started talking

"Bueno chicos, como ya les conte esta es mi hija, va a estar aca la mayoria de los dias, asique tratenla bien" ( Well guys, as I already told you, this is my daughter, she will be here most of the days, so treat her well.)

"Hola" I said really shyly

"Ah y viene de Inglaterra entonces si le hablan español háganlo despacio"( "Oh and he comes from England so if you speak Spanish to him, do it slowly")

After that, atarted talking about something else, i wasnt paying attention, i was looking at something else, this boy who looked my age, he was really atractive. "No Clem don't think that" you know how that ended up. Before comming to spain i had a boyfriend who ended up cheating on me with my best friend, well ex best friend.

But I couldn't contain myself he had brown hair and brown eyes. As i looked at him he looked at me and winked, i started blushing and was really embarrassed, so i left to see the rest of the building.

As i was walking i saw a girl around my age.

"Hola, espera, tu sos la hija de Xavi, wait should i talk in english"

"Yes, thats me, Hi im Clementina"

"Omgg, hii i was so exited for you to come, Im Isabel by the way"

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