chapter 1

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It was 3 am, i was trying to sleep, i just couldn't my mind was thinking about a million things at a time, i really needed to sleep i had ti get up early the next day to fly to Spain. My mother is forcing me to go, to live with my father in Barcelona, i was so annoyed at her. Don't get me wrong i love my father, but i had to leave everything in England my friends, my family, everything. Luckily though i don't need to go to school i can work with my father who did i mention is Xavi Hernández, yea the Xavi, he said that i can work there in PR or something.

After a while of just thinking and looking into my dark room i finally fell asleep

• ------------ • ------------ • ----------- • ------------ •
(next day)

"Wake up sweetie"
I woke up to my mum yelling, i looked at the clock and realized i had slept in.

'Oh Crap' i thought, i got ready really quickly and got everything ready
(this is what i put on)

I got in a cab and went to the airport, i got on a plane and a remember how much i hated them, i always feel so sick and disgusting

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I got in a cab and went to the airport, i got on a plane and a remember how much i hated them, i always feel so sick and disgusting.

Finally i have made it to Spain, that airplane was horrible, i guess im staying in Spain because im never getting in one in my life.

Then i saw my father, i was really exited to see him, i ran to him and gave him a hug

"Clem, mi amor, no sabes cuanto te extrañaba"

"I've missed you papi"

"Ok, lets go, you look tired and tomorrow we have a busy day"

"What do you mean" i gave him a surprised look

"Well your coming to training with me and the team"

"Do i have to??"

"Si, No hay excusas"

We arrived at his house and big is an understatement, he showed me to my room and it was huge and it had an incredible view.

But i was so tired, i fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

Hi guysss!!! sorryy for this boring chapter, i promise that in te next one gavi is hong to be in it, i just wanted to you guys to have a little back round info.
I really hope you guys  like it <3


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