cairo | berlin's bitch?

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one of cairo's earliest memories was getting dragged away from her grandmother and taken away to labour camp.

she used her brain go survive her first few days of being in the camp. she was recruited by a gang of girls in the camp and when they wanted to take someone out, cairo would give the leader the best idea and plan on how to do that.

it wasn't until her whole group was moved to a different labour camp that she was all alone. word quickly got out that she was up for grabs for any gang to take and claim her so that very night, berlin paid her a visit. and within minutes, they teamed up.

the next thing you know, everyone in the labour camp is rioting against the police. they got out, thanks to cairo's thinking and berlin's leadership.

cairo was patrolling the bank and came across the lobby where the hostages were sleeping. a whisper drew cairo's attention towards he middle of the lobby. 'misun!' whisper-screamed the director. cairo tiled her head and slowly made her way towards him. misun huffed and turned away from the director. 'why are you disturbing her', asked cairo, her stern face sending chills down the director's back.

cairo gathered that he was a worker in the next group that were starting off their shift under helsinki's watch. 'director. you will be sleeping on the end of the line when you come back' said cairo making him nod in fear. 'i will be coming back to check so you better obey' she warned him. as the group was taken away, cairo looked down at misun who was giving her a thankful look. cairo nodded at her and walked away, continuing to patrol the bank.

before long, it was her time to rest. so she went into the allocated room to have her break and sat down on one of the couches. cairo put her gun down and reached into her red jumpsuit to pull out a photo. sadness and a lingering feeling of longing took over cairo. vague memories of her and her grandmother started playing in her mind.

from the moment she was dragged away from her grandmother, cairo developed some abandonment issues. she is always scared at the thought of being left alone or dragged away which is why she never really formed deep connections with people. cairo held the bridge of her nose and screwed her eyes shut. 'what would your grandmother think if she saw what you were doing right now?' asked a voice in the back of her head.

the door opened and cairo quickly stood up, stuffing the photo back into the pocket inside her jumpsuit. 'cairo, are you okay?' asked the voice, which she soon realised belonged to tokyo. 'yes..yes. do you need anything tokyo?' asked cairo as she quickly composed herself. 'no..we're both on break so' tokyo trailed off and went to the other couch to sit on. 'ah' cairo sat back down and crossed her arms. she almost immediately fell asleep.

cairo walked around the balcony that looked out into the main lobby. she was staring daggers at anyone that would look up to her. she stood opposite the main staircase, that tokyo was sitting on, and looked down on everyone. the recent incident of the director sneaking off got on her nerves. 'attention. from now on, north koreans stand to my right and south koreans to my left. go' commanded berlin.

the hostages did not move an inch. 'no matter how many times you talk to them, they still stand there like lifeless idiots' cairo thought to herself. she was more irritated then normal so she could not hold herself back from shouting. 'are you all waiting for the sun to set? he said move' she spat. even the hostages knew that cairo was more agitated today. not wanting to get yelled at by her, the hostages started to move one by one.

after he finished talking, berlin looked up at cairo. 'cairo' he said, pointing at their communication office with his chin. cairo nodded, knowing what he meant immediately and started walking towards the office with everyone's eyes following her. she made it into the office a moment before berlin. cairo lowered her gun and put her hands behind her back.

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