cairo | smile

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'your turn, pretty face'

the girl got up and walked towards the globe. she gave it a quick spin and her finger landed on egypt. 'cairo' she said.


one of the youngest girls ever held in a labour camp. even though she was involved in multiple fights inside the camp, she aways managed to come out of it unscathed. berlin came to her cellar one night to recruit her. with her as second in command and the advisor/brains behind the escape plan, they were all finally free of that hell hole.

'the place we will rob is, the unified korea mint'

cairo peaked out from the doors of the school bus and gave the officers a wave before hopping out. she aimed her riffle at the sky and started shooting. cairo then walked to the police car and stepped on it with one foot, aiming the riffle right at the officers as the other heist men pulled the officers outside of the car and disarmed them.

'alright. follow my orders from here on out' commanded berlin. cario was loyal to berlin since the day they met in the labour camp so it was not a new experience for her to be following his orders. 'if any of you take a chance, we'll only go to prison but you will all die'. it was a bit of a long drive to the bank and cario was in the back of the truck with men, she got unlucky for that part of the plan.

soon, the hinges to the truck door started rattling which meant that someone from the outside was opening it. 'everyone, positions' commanded cairo as the other heist men gathered behind her. as the door opened, she slowly creeped into the light as an older man stumbled backwards in fear. she quickly jumped out the truck while the workers were focusing on the older man and started shooting at the ceiling.

'move!' cairo shouted, pushing workers to the direction of the main lobby. she fired some more shots and started rounding up some of the people that had gone astray. 'hurry up' she shouted as people started clearing out and running towards the lobby. in this heist, cairo was supposed to be second in charge if anything were to happen to berlin. the people were split in two sides of the hall so cairo grabbed a duffel bag and started distributing blindfolds to everyone.

'put these on. if i catch you peaking, i'll blow out your eyeballs' she commanded. no one seemed to move as they were all staring at her in fear. 'now!' she shouted which made them all blindfold themselves. it was then that tokyo walked in with anne. cairo took her position on the right side of berlin. then they all lifted their masks, cairo took a deep breathe of fresh air. 'hello. i'm the one in charge.' he said, starting to walk down the middle of the lobby so cairo took his place in the center of the triangle.

'i'm afraid you comrades have become our hostages' announced berlin. a few whimpers escaped the hostage's mouths. as tokyo looked around, her eyes caught cairo's figure. she was standing straight and unfazed. her jumpsuit hugged her body perfectly and her black turtleneck covered her neck. tokyo wondered how cairo wasn't hot in that turtleneck but then remembered that she remained unfazed in almost every situation.

'everyone take out and hand over your phones, watches and id cards' cairo said sternly as her teammates started collecting the items. cairo walked around, watching over everyone. the phone suddenly started ringing, catching everyone's attention. berlin took a woman over to the telephone to answer. she must have handled the situation well because berlin had a look of satisfaction on his face.

'so we're good now, right?' asked berlin to the director who was nodding. 'alright then' he said, slapping the director's shoulder making the man whimper. cairo scoffed when seeing at the man's reaction, 'what an oaf' she mumbled to herself. 'rio, moscow' cairo called out, grabbing their attention and sharply turned her head to the right and back, signalling them to do their part of the job.

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