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In some weird plot that she is sure was taken straight from a goddamn Nicholas Spark novel, they start to hang out.

Or rather, Roseanne starts to show up at the shop, with her adorable smile and her endless supply of questions and before Jennie knows it, she's fallen into a routine, adjusting her schedules to make time for Roseanne, looking for things they can do together whenever she's not at work and, really, it's disgusting.

She feels like a fifteen year old again and she doesn't really like to remember that particular time of her life, nor the way things ended up back then.


Jennie looks up, using her hand to cover her eyes from the sun, "Isn't it a little early for you, cupcake?"

It's a honest question; they've been doing this - whatever this is - for over three weeks now and not once has she seen Roseanne out of bed earlier than 10am.

Considering it is now just close to 8am, she feels she's justified in her surprise.

"I thought I'd come see you do your thing in the water," Roseanne explains, dropping on the sand next to her. She looks at Jennie for a moment and then sighs, "I totally missed it, didn't I?"

Jennie leans back on her hands, closing her eyes as she enjoys the sun against her skin, "I'm afraid you're gonna need to wake up a couple hours earlier to see that," she tilts her head towards the water, "Kirsch and Dani are still there, though."

She doesn't see it, but she assumes Roseanne follows the direction she's pointed because a couple minutes later she hears a huff and feels a poke against her thigh.

"Kirsch and Dani are fine," Roseanne tells her once she's opened her eyes - with the sole purpose of glaring at her, of course. "But I wanted to see you."

Jennie smirks, raising an eyebrow at Roseanne and reveling in the way a blush rises from her neck to her cheek and her ears.

Roseanne pushes against her shoulder, "You know what I meant."

But the thing is, Jennie really doesn't. Ever since they had that date-that-wasn't-really-a-date-but-maybe-it-was, it's like a line has been blurred. They're not really friends - there's too much shameless flirting, moments filled with sexual innuendos and less-than-innocent looks for them to be that, but they're also not - well, more than friends.

And maybe Jennie wants them to be. But Roseanne is going to school in Australia and Jennie has no intention of leaving Hawaii so why start something that she knows has no hope of ever ending well?

If there's one thing in her life Jennie absolutely hates, are summer loves. She doesn't call them flings - can't, really. They happen too fast and burn too bright, but they're also real. And in the end, they leave a wound in your heart that never really heals, never really stops hurting. She's been through it once and she swore she was never gonna let it happen again.

She can't let Roseanne get to her like this.

"I know," she reassures her, bumping their shoulders against each other. "Six am, cupcake. I'll be out in the water already."

Roseanne groans, "That's ridiculous. I'm on summer break, I'm sure waking up at the crack of dawn isn't allowed."

Jennie shrugs, watching as Kirsch and Dani run out of the water, clearly teasing each other about something, "You can sleep if you want," she says, turning to Roseanne. "Like you said, it's your summer break. You should rest, or whatever."

"No," Roseanne shakes her head. "I want to be here."

They meet each other's eyes again and Jennie tries to make sense of what is going on in Roseanne's head, but in the end she just lets out a soft sigh, throwing her hands up in surrender, "Suit yourself."

this just can't be summer love (you'll see) | chaennieWhere stories live. Discover now