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⚠️Loads of Swearing & Violence⚠️

"It's getting late, baby. You should come to bed. I put the girls down already" Jade walked over to her girlfriend who was swirling wine in her cup as she leaned over the counter.

"She didn't pick up."

"She didn't?"


"You still got to hear her voice right?"

"Yeah." Jade was worried. Sometimes Leigh-Anne called just to hear her voice when her call went to voicemail and other times she would have full blown conversations with herself.

"I'm sorry. Is that what you've been trying to do all night?"

"Yeah but my phone died."

"Can I ask you what you wanted to talk to her about?" Jade sat Leigh-Anne on the counter before standing in between her legs.

"No" Leigh-Anne looked down at her lap.

"That's okay. You don't have to tell me." Jade knew she was getting emotional so she hugged her before the tears could fall.

"Are you okay? Be honest with me" Jade knew Leigh-Anne wasn't okay but she wanted Leigh-Anne to answer her. She shook her head slowly.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm just so overwhelmed. I can't do this anymore"

"Slow down, you're overwhelmed.  What's making you overwhelmed?" Jade asked, pushing the glass away from her when she tried to pick it up.

"Look at me. You can be as vulnerable as you need to be. You're in the comfort of your home with someone you trust. Cry if you need to cry, scream if you need to scream. . . Not too loud, I don't want you to wake the babies but do what you have to do. I've never seen you like this baby. You sat here for three hours drinking wine. You finished two bottles, that isn't safe.None of this is safe."

"One and a half"

"That's not any better Leigh-Anne. What can't you do anymore?"

"Dont judge me"

"Never, i would never judge you"

"I don't think I can take care of the girls anymore"


"Does that make me a bad sister?"

Jade watched as she covered her face. She rubbed Leigh-Anne's back for a little bit before pulling her hands away.

"That doesn't make you a bad sister. You're only human, Leigh-Anne. This is new to you, you've never had to take care of children full time. You're not their parent, it's not your responsibility to look after them. I understand that given the circumstances you want to take them in and look after them but you also have to look after yourself as well."

"Its not for me, it's for them"

"What do you mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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