He must be on yo mind? The guy asked as he laughed a bit and lit his blunt.

I'm sorry what?

A beautiful woman like yourself out here alone in the cold and you keep looking at your phone....he must be a lucky guy.

Why you think that?

Am I wrong?

What are you doing out here and what the fuck do you have on? A male voice asked I turned around and it was Hendrix. I hugged my breath and rolled my eyes.

Nothing I just came to get some air!

Yeah ight yo man getting out his meeting in 2 seconds and you and buddy gone get fucked up!

Hendrix let me explain something to you. He's single I'm single we are not together!

Y'all both some stubborn muthafuckas.! He see you with him and dressed like that he gone wild out!

Dressed like what? Carter asked as he came out the door.

FUCK! Me and Hendrix both said under our breath at once. I swear I wasn't helping my own case and Hendrix was low key right.

Mmmm! Carter laughed a bit looking at me before walking all the way down the stairs. "You coming?" He asked turning around to me he asked pissed off.
I nodded my head yeah and he opened his car door for me. He got in on the other side sat his gun in the cup holder and pulled off. "You fuck with dude?" He asked. That was the most I heard came out his mouth in weeks.

No, not at all! I was with the girls and I just needed a moment to breathe and get out of there and came outside. He said something to me and that was it.

You wouldn't lie to me right?

No, Carter I wouldn't you know I wouldn't!

He stopped the car in the middle of the expressway and turned the lights on. "Asia I will fuckin kill you!" He said so sternly and serious. His eyes was black and cold and the noise from the cars beeping and honking and swerving added to my scaredness.

Carter I...

Do I make myself clear! He barked.

I nodded my head yeah and I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. He turned the lights off and pulled off. He started blowing it on the expressway.

Can you take me home? I asked softly. The car ride was extremely silent so I know he heard me.

After taking the long way home he pulled up to my house. He got out the car and opened my door for me. I wiped my tears from my face and got out. He blocked me from walking away from him looking at me. I couldn't look him in his eyes.

He grabbed me by the back of my neck gently and pulled me into him. I broke down crying and he wrapped his arms around me.

Stop crying Asia!

No Carter! What the fuck is this? What are you doing to me? You don't wanna be with me clearly, you threatening me and killing niggas over me but still don't wanna be with me? I'm confused!

Your drunk we can talk about this later!

Carter I'm not drunk don't do that! I had one little shot and that was it, I'm completely fine!

Okay than we'll talk about this later.

Why later? Huh? Why? I pushed him off of me. His phone started ringing on the car radio back to back.

Because later is a better time not now!

Than when? When is later? Cause it seems to
Me later is never coming. You,'you come over here you fuck me, you don't say anything than you just leave you fuckin leave. You don't answer the phone or text back what the fuck is it? Are you only fuckin me and fuckin my head up so you can stay out of jail?

No, no I don't need to fuck you to stay out of jail.

Than what is it cause that's what it's giving?

It's not! It's not it at all!

Yes it is you can't even look me in my eyes and tell me!

What you want me to say Asia? He yelled at me looking at me in my eyes. "Hmmm? What you want me to say? That I am completely and I mean completely in fuckin love with you? That I can't control myself or my emotions when it comes to you? That I'd kill everyone in this fuckin world just to stay with you? Or that I'd kill myself if I ever really lost you? Hmmm what the fuck do you want me to say Asia? I can't control my fuckin feelings about nun this shit. You pushed me the fuck away and even though I don't give no bitch a second chance still some how some way you got my fuckin heart! I lost my unborn child and now my fuckin daughter and I been so fuckin alone and I can't handle all this shit I been going through? My own fuckin family been Robbin me and setting me up. My BestFriend brother, the only person I really got in this world that's my fuckin brother his blood is setting him to try and kill him! You the only thing I found fuckin peace in, in this fuckin world and you do the shit you did to me! I'm fuckin hurt Asia!!!" He yelled loudly. He had tears in his eyes and coming down his face. I didn't realize how hurt he was or the things he was going through. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him.

I love you and I'm sorry! I'm sorry I pushed you away and all you needed was me! I'm sorry baby!
I wiped his eyes as he looked at me. "I'm sorry! I love you! I love you so much, I'm sorry!"

Asia I needed you!

You got me baby I'm right here! I'm here for you! I love you! His tall body towered over mine as he hugged me tight. "I'm here for you baby!"

Let's go in the house for somebody call the cops.

I gotta go take care this shit I can't!

When will you be done?

I don't know!

Come over when you done?


Okay.....be safe! I love you Carter!

I love you too! He let me wipe his face and I cleared mine. He watched me walk into the house before he pulled off. My heart broke so bad for him.

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