Aint it fun, being all alone?

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//Ella's POV//

"What do we have to talk about?" Mikaela asked.

"Could we meet up?" I asked.

"Yes, can you come to Michigan?"

"Yes, where are you staying?"


"Alright I'm booking a flight right now"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow"



I hung up and locked my phone.

"You're going to Michigan?" Gerardo asked me. "I have to" I said and grabbed my laptop and started booking a flight. "but you're pregnant" Gerardo said. "I'm four months pregnant, relax" I said. "What if something goes wrong" Gerardo said. "Gera stop worrying, I'll call you every hour" I said. "no you won't" Gerardo said. "of course I won't" I said," we're not in high school" I said and laughed. "just call me when you arrive" Gerardo said. "I will" I said and got up," help me pack" I said. "okay" Gerardo said and we walked into the room.

"What am I going to say if people ask about you?" Gerardo asked after I finished packing. "tell them I'm on a business trip for my new line of clothing" I said. "okay" Gerardo said.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

I got up and took a shower and changed into a grey We Are The In Crowd tank top with a pair of black leggings and light blue Taylor Swift 1989 keds with an oversized blue flannel on top. I dried and straightened my hair and slipped on a black beanie with the words 'stay rad' on the front. I placed my phone and wallet in my purse and walked into the room.

"Get up if you wanna drive me to the airport" I said. "I'm coming" Gerardo groaned.

Ten minutes later he was all dressed and ready to go.

"Okay so I'll see you in a week?" Gerardo asked. "yes" I said and kissed him. "alright bye" Gerardo said as I opened the door. "bye" I said. "I love you" Gerardo said before I walked out. "I love you too" I said and said kissed him one last time.

I walked into the airport and boarded my flight.

A couple hours later I was in Detroit. Then I took a train to Sturgis and then a taxi down to Cold Water.

I stood in front of the apartment where Mikaela was staying. I walked to the front door and rang the doorbell.

"Hi" Mikaela greeted me. She was wearing a black Slayer cut off tee with a pair of black leggings. "hey" I said and hugged her. "You look great" Mikaela said. "its the pregnancy" I said and smiled. "what are you having?" Mikaela asked. "a boy" I said. "ohmygod!" Mikaela shouted,"they're going to be like twins" Mikaela exclaimed. "Yes" I said.

"So we gotta talk" I said as we sat down. "about?" Mikaela asked as she took a sip of her tea. "Gerardo found out, and he wants you to tell Kevin" I said. "I can't" Mikaela said. "Why?" I asked. "a kid would ruin his career" Mikaela said. "no it wouldn't" I said. "look Elizabeth, it's my decision and I will not tell him" Mikaela said," now if this is the only reason why you're here please leave" Mikaela said. "fine" I said and got up," hope you don't make any decisions you regret" I said and grabbed my bag and walked out.

//Mikaela's POV//

I watched as Ella stormed out. "I'm not gonna ruin his life with a kid" I said after Ella walked out. "I'm raising this kid on my own"

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