chapter 6- famous.

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I wake up and go to school. When i get there Finn has saved me a seat like always.
"Hey Finney!" I say, walking over to him.
"Hey y/n!"
"I like you hair today. It looks good."
"Really? Thanks." He says while blushing, it probably means nothing I'm not gonna think too much of it.
We get though our classes and now it's lunch break.
I didn't want to pay attention to it but today my dysphoria is really bad, i feel like my binder isn't working well enough and i hate my voice.
I think Finn has notices it sense i haven't been talking a lot.
"You ok, y/n?" He asks.
I nod yes, avoiding having to speak. It always makes people see me as a feminine person.
"Did i do something? You haven't really been talking to me.. I'm sorry if I did something -"
"No don't worry, your good. I just don't feel like talking today.. i know it's weird but im having bad dysphoria and doing things like speaking and showing my feminine voice just sucks."
"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't know you were having a bad day. Just so you know, your voice really isn't very feminine. It's actually pretty nice to listen to."
"Thanks Finney."
"I know what will help, let's just listen to music. No one needs to say anything."
We hang out like that for a while and i start drawing.
I draw Finn because i like to draw people i see in a room sometimes.
He notices the drawing and starts blushing.
"Yo that looks amazing! I wish I looked like that." He says looking at the drawing.
"Thanks, and you do look like that. Actually you look more handsome than that but I'm not that good at drawing."
Shit why did i say that? It just came out but now he's gonna think I'm a creep or something.
"You think I'm handsome?" He says, messing with me.
"Shut up~"
"I think your handsome too, don't worry."
I blush at the comment.
The lunch break ends and people start walking into the room.
"Looks, it's Finn and his freak girlfriend." This guy says to his friend, loud enough that we can hear it.
Great. Getting misgendered is exactly what I needed today.
"Don't listen to them, they're just some couple of idiots."
"Yeah.. right."
The  last classes finish and i start walking out of the school after saying bye to fin.
"Hey, y/n!" I hear Finn say as he runs to me.
"I'm not doing anything today, want to hang out?"
"Cool, what do you wanna do?"
"I was gonna go to the store and by a monster, wanna come?"
"Ok!" He says, happily walking besides me as we go to the store.
We get to the store and buy a monster. We're walking out the store when this girl around our age comes up to us.
"Hi! Are you Finn?" She asks nervously.
"Yeah, hi."
"I love your characters! Can I take a photo with you?"
She takes a selfie with him.
"Thank you, it was awesome meeting you!"
"Yeah, you too. Bye."
The girl leaves and we continue walking.
"What was that about?"
"Oh, yeah she probably has seen something i was in. It happens sometimes."
"So, are you an actor or something?"
"You didn't know?"
"Yeah, i act. I've been in a few films but people mostly know me because of stranger things."
"That's cool, i haven't seen it but I've heard it's great."
"So uh, you don't mind this right? I mean i don't want you to think differently of me."
"No, why would I? I mean i know how it is to have people think differently of me after getting to know me better."
"Cool. Thanks y/n."
"No problem, Finney."
I get on the skateboard i was carrying and start skating.
"How do you do that? I can't even skate in a straight line."
"Once you get how to balance yourself on it it gets easier, want me to teach you?"
"Ok, first just try to stand up on it."
"Ok i can do that."
I get off of the board and he walks over to where I'm standing. He holds my hands to help him balance on the board.
"See? I told you it's easy! Ok now try letting go of me."
"I'm gonna fall!"
"No your not and if you do I'll catch you don't worry."
"Ok." He lets go of my hands and he successfully stands up on the board.
"See? You did it!"
I show him how to skate in a straight line and how to do curves with it. He did the first part well but now he doesn't think he can do the curve.
"Y/n i swear to god don't let go of me or else I'm gonna fall down." He says trying not to laugh.
"Don't worry i won't." He tries to make the curve but the boards wheel hits a tiny rock making him fall, i catch him though so he won't get hurt.
"Thanks for catching me."
"No problem, i said I'd catch you."
"So, i was thinking about you coming to watch us play and i wanted to see if you want to maybe be backstage in one of our shows? I'd love for you to be there."
"Are you kidding me? Of course I'd go! I'm gonna be your number 1 fan."
"Why thank you, y/n." He says in a silly voice.
"Your welcome, kind sir." I reply in the same tone.
We spend a while more together than each of us go home.

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