I wonder if he plays video games?

I mean with someone so good with their hands in terms of making art, he probably does right?

Even if he didn't, I'd totally be more than willing to share my stuff with him.

I eventually clicked my mouth out of annoyance to acknowledge the sudden pounding made outside my door. "What!?" I exclaimed passed the noises of my television screen.

"Where'd you put all the white paper!?" Ikaris exclaimed as I grunted to myself. "I need it for today's homework!"

"Wait." I answered as I was clearly reluctant in breaking my focus from the game.

She lets out an audible sigh. "I'm not gonna stand here and wait for you unless you're doing something productive, which is obviously unlikely knowing you."

"Ugh." I tossed my controller to the side of the bed and quickly got up to answer the door with a groan. "Here." I coldly handed her the stack of paper.

"Took you long enough." She asks while looking passed me to glance around my room in clear suspicion. "Why do you need all of this paper anyway?"

"None of your business." I blankly stated as if it was the obvious. "Has dad left yet?" I ask.

"Yes." She answers with attitude, snatching the paper away from my grasp before walking off to her room to slam the door shut.

I cheered silently to myself because I was finally able to go outside. I was also pleasantly surprised that she didn't lecture me about staying at home.

Has she finally given up?

I eagerly walked downstairs to grab a pouch of blood. I had yet to drink my ration for the day, and I thought what better place to drink it than on top of a tall tree where I could sit and admire a view of Maybella.

The air was cold-close enough to surely be mistaken for a warning of an impending storm. I ventured deeper into the forest regardless, taking in the abundance of nature and better alternatives to what I usually just see at home.

The thought of home had grown to be so jaded now, obscured by the opposing ideals and dreams that I've been longing for due to all of the moving, the hiding, and the endless loop of running away.

I used to easily understand the idea of home and what it meant; willingly following all the rules and complying with everything my family expected from me over the years. But now, I can't help but feel so exhausted by it all. I'm tired of being forced to hide, to be shut in, to deprive myself from everything that life has to offer and for what? My parents constantly say it's because of danger but what if there are no dangers!? People haven't even tried looking for us and they probably never will!

I just wanna live, and yet I'm constantly being painted as the bad guy for it, always made out to seem like I don't care about anyone else but myself, portrayed as an ungrateful little brat who doesn't appreciate anything in life. It's even gotten to the point that sometimes I can't help but wonder if that's exactly what I am.

The sight of a perfect tree to climb eventually pulls me away from my thoughts. I took a few steps back before suddenly lunging my entire body forward, burying my unsheathed claws deep into the bark to hold up my entire weight. I maintained a steady posture, taking a deep breath before climbing all the way up the immense tree in a matter of seconds.

I followed the gleaming light above, passing by the thick countless branches by using it as a step to only reach further up the tree that demanded anticipation.

Once I reached the top, I was suddenly in awe of the sun warmly grazing over the thick, swaying trees that extended throughout the forest. The town was a small, typical expanse that had its own humble charm. In the center stood all the important buildings, like schools ranging from elementary to high school, the police station, as well as boutiques and shops that still preserved a vintage feel. It kind of saddened me to see the new architecture significantly differing from one another, bridging the town's old coziness to newly modernized styles and innovations-just like the house where I lived.

The town was embraced by bodies of water, thick forests, and even secluded open fields. Despite my fears that the town might eventually transform into another large city, the view and the fear itself made me appreciate it more.

It made me feel special to be able to see Maybella this way.

I quickly ripped open my blood pouch and got comfortable, leaning back against the tree as I sat on a thick branch that was big enough to surely support maybe even ten more people.

Just before I could've taken a sip, a familiarly alluring scent swiftly came across the air to greet my senses.

It was Leone.

I quickly got up on the branch to over look pass the sea of trees, figuring if I just get high enough, I could maybe catch a glimpse of him, and I did.


Something is wrong.


My body and mind churned at the sight of him. He was walking feebly towards his house, displaying clear and subtle signs of pain. His pair of baggy jeans were charred with dirt right at the knees and ankles, and some flecks even got on his usually tight-fitted top, which exposed just a few inches of his soft little stomach. His tousled golden curls were in disarray, almost as if they were forced to be that way—just like the newly marred scars and wounds that covered his previous ones, which had barely even healed yet.

What really alarmed me was the familiar look on his face, his large doe eyes that had a tint that could easily rival the waters and forest that surrounded Maybella no longer had its usual shine. His eyes were a macabre scene, embellished with a faded crimson from just recently crying as well as a clear visible hint of pure brokenness and drained life.

He looked broken, just like that night at the cliff.

He's been pushed too far.

My heart began to race as his scent got stronger, bringing all of my senses into an unstoppable state of overdrive along with my emotions that has come up due to the sight of him. 

I nervously gulped down my ration to satisfy my growing urges to feed.

To my surprise while watching him hobble up his porch, the impact of his scent began to shift into a much more bearable level.

A sudden flash of realization quickly overwhelms me, making me glance down at the pouch of blood in my hand before returning my gaze at Leone.

Wait, holy shit...

"That's it." I whispered and sniffed up into the air, taking in his addictive smell without it completely taking a hold of me like usual.

It was like inhaling drugs without any downside.

Immediately right after Leone closed the door behind him, I sat back down against the tree in a state of shocked realization.

Blood pouches have proven time and time again to be the only thing that's ever kept me from completely losing it so maybe I could try and use them to maintain control of myself while I'm around him.

All I have to do is exceed my blood ration for a little while, and since my mom always brings some home, it should be fine.

I mean, it's just a few bags, right?

What could possibly go wrong?

The thought of the plan was enough to bring a wave of unsettling angst over me. There are so many risks associated with it, and just as many if I choose not to pursue it.

Shit-fuck-what do I do!?

Shit-fuck-what do I do!?

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