Ch VII: Part 1: Brewing Storms

Start from the beginning

Xiva: "Yes, we are going to give them a special 'welcome' party. ~"

Zura kind of didn't like this, but she knew she had no say in the matter. She had to obey orders, regardless of what they were like. She had to obey or else. Xiva continued, "When they arrive and see what we've done here. We will strike and slaughter them. Whoever kills their leader first gets a special promotion and attend the special celebration tomorrow. You will be labled as a guest of honor."

The other Xylowraiths smiled and seemed to like that idea. Guest of honor at a celebration was treated like how the royalty were treated. They got to have delcious premium type fuel and would pretty much be in the VIP area with the rest. Zura, however, could care less about it. She just wanted this to be over. So she could get back and be with Nixx. She was not that worried about him, but she did miss him. After Xiva said what she needed to say. The Xylowraiths got in their positions and then turned on camouflage. They desguised themselves as part of the landscape, and some destroyed debris.

The newcomers were coming in, and they landed in their dropships that looked like bulbs with legs. Hatches opened, and then they came pouring out of the hatches holding rifles and spear like weapons. We hid from them, waiting for the right moment to strike. I scanned them. They were bug-like but were more like ants. They wore bulky armor over their bodies for protection. However, it probably wasn't strong enough to withstand against our death beams.

One of their bulb dropships blew up behind them. They all turned and faced their weapons in the direction. Just then, Galvik showed up, and he looked meneacing through the fire and smoke. His eyes glowed red, and he was growling and hissing. The Ant people opened fire and tried to kill him. But, their weaponry appeared to not take any effect on him. He then fired his Death Beam again and wiped out a whole squad of the soldiers, killing them instantly.

I soon jumped out and began to attack the soldiers, rip them apart, and blast some with my Lazer. I swiped some with my tail, then I saw him, the leader of the soldiers. Or their commander, I assumed these Ant types must have a queen back on their home world. I was not interested in being a guest of honor at a party. I just was doing what I needed to do. Kill. One Ant Soldier tried to jump on my back and stab me with some type of spear, but it failed. I swiped him away and then went to take out some of the dropships.

The leader was barking out orders to regain the situation, but sadly, they were losing. He tried to escape, but then, he was pinned down from behind, and then his head was ripped off. It was Lazarus who killed him. He shook the Commanders body violently and then threw him to the side. His body hit a rock, and he fell limp. "THE LEADER IS DEAD!!" Lazarus shouted to alert the others. The enemy ant soldiers panicked . They saw the dead body of their leader, and some ran while others tried to retaliate.

Galvik slaughtered them and encouraged the others to do the same. Show no mercy. The rest were killed, and the ships were destroyed. The soil of the planet was soaked with blood again. After all that, Lazarus was congratulated by Xiva, but Galvik said nothing. He rarely was ever impressed by others' actions. He was probably planning on killing the leader himself. Well, fuck. It was over, and Zura was more than relieved. They can finally go home, and she can see Nixx again. Hopefully, he is doing ok.

Back to now.

After taking care of a few targets, they were assigned to kill. Millie, Moxxie, Blitz, and Nixx came back through the protal when Loona opened it. "How was it?" Loona asked. Blitz replied, "Everything went smoothly! We had Nixx, of course!" Loona smiled and then looked at Nixx. She was about to ask him something until she saw he had a look of anger on his face, and his eyes glowed menacingly.

Loona: "Nixx? You.... Are you ok?"

Nixx did not respond. He just went into the lounge to get a drink with his head down. Loona looked at the three and said, "Did something happen?" Millie responded, "Oh, he will be fine. ~" Loona looked at her in annoyance. Her ears went down and said, "Tell me what happened!" Blitz sighs and says, "We had him desguise himself as a bad ass car, then go to a car wash with some half naked bitches and did a surprise attack."

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