Chapter Five

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I wake up and do all the work my teachers have sent and submitting it all.

I go to my weight room and start punching the punching bag again, splitting my knuckles again. I enjoyed the pain but back when I was younger, I hated pain, so I drank and took a multitude of drugs so that I didn't have to feel it. I'm lucky I don't have a drug or drink charge, I just didn't happen to be on either when I was arrested.

I was officially arrested for being part of a fighting ring and for also beating up a guy to a pulp after he raped multiple girls, he had multiple civil suits against him and a lot of girls and their family testified for me at my trial.

I had a year of juvie and then a year of military school and then near the end of sophomore year, my supposed family didn't want me so I moved to be with my aunt and uncle but I wanted to live alone so by the time I turned 17, I was here and I got visited regularly by all groups of people. I know it was their job but at least they cared.

I fucking hated Donovan, for almost a year and a half, I was fine and then he had to start bothering me and within three days I was already getting bothered and harassed and for what? Some stupid guy.

I knew he wasn't bad and I knew this little act he put on was insanely stupid.

Someone knocks on my door and I check my newly installed ring doorbell. The cameras worked fine but they were quite long to access and navigate.

It was Marie, here for our appointment.

I open the door and sit down at the table and wait for her to take off her shoes and walk through.

"I'm really sorry to hear what happened and I'm also sorry that I came an intrude on you like that." I'm super surprised. She's apologising. "Are you okay?"


"I just need to do this checkup for safeguarding." She says and I nod, I understand.

She asks me all the typical questions she would ask me after any event that could alter my life happens and I just answer as usual.

I really hope I don't relapse any day soon.

I was only going to drink when I turned 21 and that's even if I wanted to, which I was heading towards not doing. I might smoke a little weed when I want to but again, I had a deeply troubling and traumatic relationship with the stuff and it was best to stay away for now. Maybe when I turned 25 and reached full maturity.

I don't know how many years it would be before people started trying to coerce me to drink, asking why I'm not drinking today, getting involved in my business.

It pissed me off. The future pissed me off.

I clean up and shower and get into some old clothes and do all the chores around the house.

I start in the loft room, where I clean up all the furniture and start the last coat of paint up there and air out the room while the paint dries. I change the door and finally grout the bathroom and let the bathroom air out as well.

I only needed to refurnish the room and then I'd be done.

I change the bedsheets in the bedroom that Donovan crashed in, as I didn't do it when he so elegantly slept here and then hoover and wipe the room down. I clean the en-suite.

I go over and spray down my room, focusing on my mirror, which was filthy and then I add some LEDs and add the bedside tables I had and then reorganise my room. I clean the en-suite in here as well.

I leaf-blow the balcony and then add some fairy lights and set up the furniture there. I add some plants and when I'm done, I'm throughly pleased.

I get to the third bedroom and at this point, I'm tired but I power through. It's fully furnished and just needs hoovering and a wipe down.

It's same for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth room, which are all relatively small in comparison to the other rooms so it's an easy job.

I lug my hoover downstairs and do the bedroom down there, which has an en-suite as well, and then clean the rest of the house, which is quite a lot. There's the living room, which is big, the kitchen, which is big, the dining room, which is unnecessary, the utility room, the bathroom downstairs, which is separate to the en-suite and then I was done.

I wasn't because I still had the basement but there was no chance I was doing that now. I also had to open the pantry now that I was living here permanently but I couldn't be bothered so that would be for another day.

I kept my parents room locked but today I open it and walk in and clean it.

All their stuff was still here, the way all of us had left it.

A couple of years after my siblings abandoned the house and we all hauled ass to Remoir to live with our hellish aunt and uncle, I bought the house with a fraction of the amount of the money from my grandparents inheritance to me. I still had a LOT of money left seeing as I was the sole inheritor from all four grandparents and thanks to investment, was making passive income on top of that.

The house was claimed as derelict so I took it and I didn't do anything until I was allowed to live in it. I had been here for a couple months and I was finally starting to settle but seeing their room made me want to pack it all up and haul ass back to my aunts.

I make sure the windows are closed and locked with the keys. I push the shutters down, close the blinds, close the curtains. I then make sure the camera is working before locking the door thrice and going out to the front garden.

I turn the hose on and water the plants and do some weeding before going back inside.

Finally, I felt like I was getting somewhere in this house but the empty sounds were still there and they were starting to get to me.

Trouble Times TwoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora