His father should be here to talk to us, but instead, we got him. Julian Beaumont. 

He is the son of Maurice Beaumont, one of the richest men in France. 

'My client is willing to pay me ten million dollars to take it from her house to London within the next month.' Fail number two... 

His first mistake was bringing those other idiots to a meeting where he only had to sign some papers. 

His second mistake is saying exactly how much his client is willing to pay for the transport of the bracelets. 

'And how much were you going to pay us?' Leon asks, leaning forward again. 

'Around two million.' Mistake number three... I almost want to laugh in his face for even bringing this up to us. 

He could easily get someone else to do this for him. The bracelets might not get there as quickly or in one piece, but I bet some idiots would take the deal. 

'So you want us to risk our lives for a mere two million?' 

'Two million is more than I was going to pay the others.' Others... 

So he did go to other associates to try and make them take this deal. 

'How about you give me the information of your client and we'll talk to her ourselves?' 

Julian chuckles at Leon's suggestion, but he might as well take it. It's the best thing for both of us since he'll make a fool out of himself if he doesn't get the jewel moved by professionals and we're not taking the deal for just two million. 

'I will not sell out my client.' Julian states, his tone a bit harder than before. 

'Julian, listen,' Leon starts, 'We all know that two million for a job like this is like coming home to an empty bed. Useless and not worth it. So I suggest you just give me the name of your client because it won't take us that much to find out who she is.' 

'You wouldn't know where to start.' 

I raise a brow and almost open my mouth, but decide to let Leon deal with it, 'She has jewelry of royalty, she must have a lot of money, and she knows and trusts you because otherwise, she wouldn't have gone to you with something this big.' 

Julian stays silent and without looking at any of them, I can feel the tension rise to the roof, 'There are only three women who trust you and have a lot of money, and only one who has some royalty in her, so tell me, Julian... Are you willing to risk it?' 

I forgot how good Leon can be in this shit. Mostly because we never do stuff like this together anymore. 

'How about we give you half of what we earn?' I look at Leon, who also turns to me, and shake my head. 

'Since we'll be risking more, we deserve to get the bigger cut, don't you think?' I can hear a few men grunt across from us and wait for Julian to say something. 

'It's only fair.' Mistake number four... Never give in this quickly. 

I nod and nod at my guy at the door, watching as he quickly opens it so that all these assholes can leave and we can go back home. 

'Do you agree to our terms?' I ask, keeping my eyes on my phone just in case any notifications appear. 

She said she would keep me updated... 

'Yes, we'll send you the papers later, but it's a deal.' Julian says as he gets up and keeps his eyes on me. 

'Do you have somewhere to go, Rafael?' The hint of curiosity in Julian's voice doesn't go unnoticed. 

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