{ XIII }

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I stumble down the stairs and almost trip over my own feet

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I stumble down the stairs and almost trip over my own feet. 'Cataleya!' 

Whoever is on the other side of the front door, is going to wish they were dead. 

It's barely six in the morning and someone decided to wake me up by slamming on my door. 

'Cataleya!' The closer I get, the more I recognize the voice. 

It's Noah. 

But why the fuck is he slamming on my door at six in the fucking morning. 'Open up sleepy head!' 

He continues to knock on the door, making me groan as I stretch a little. 'I know you're up already!' 'If you don't shut your mouth, I'm going to fucking-' I trip over a pillow laying on the floor and slowly get back up. 

Why the fuck- Isabelle is laying on the couch. I don't remember her going down before I went to bed, but she's laying on the couch, sleeping peacefully even though Noah is banging on the door like a maniac. 

I head to the little panel on the wall and type in the code, before heading to the door. 

'Finally! Why are you not ready yet?' He asks, brushing past me and looking around the place as if he has never seen it before. 'Noah, get the fuck out and let me sleep.' 

I walk back to the stairs and climb back upstairs. 

But Noah runs ahead and shakes his head when he's on top of the stairs, looking down at me. 

'You said you were going to run with me if  I couldn't find Hunter, so come on.' I shake my head and walk past him, straight to my room. 

But, Noah being Noah, he follows me and heads towards my closet while I climb back into the, now cold, bed. 

'Can you just-' 'You said you would go on a run with me, don't leave me hanging.' He says, throwing some leggings and a shirt my way. 'It's not even six in the morning, please go back to bed.' 

He shakes his head and pulls me out of bed, making me drop on the floor, and sighs deeply. 'Get your lazy ass up.' 

'I'm going to fucking kill you.' I groan as I climb onto my feet, glaring at Noah. 

He smiles proudly and points at the clothes he placed on the bed. 'Put those on. I'll be waiting downstairs.' 

'I'm still going to kill you.' I say, grabbing the clothes as I head towards the bathroom. Noah chuckles and heads to the door, 'You have to catch me first.' he says, before winking and leaving me to change. 

I quickly jump into the clothes he picked out and brush my teeth, before tying my hair up and looking at myself in the mirror. 

Day four. 

The last day of staying on Blue Island. 

Unless it's not safe yet, which I still have to talk to Hunter about, or unless I don't want to go. 

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