"Where'd you meet this girl? The one you want to get with, don't tell me you saw her on the pitch and wanted a go?" Pedri asked.

Gavi laughed in response, "I met her last night, told me where she was sitting for the game, just got lucky she is sitting where she is." He explained feeling quite content with the situation that he is in.

"What are you doing?" Pedri asked, taking his eyes off Gavi for a minute, and suddenly he was shirtless searching around the room for a sharpie or some sort of permanent marker.

"Giving Blair my shirt, I want to actually have a chance for once, I've got to be romantic." The younger boy said, finding a sharpie and scribbling his signature on his number on the back of the shirt.

Pedri rolled his eyes, taking his shirt off and joining Gavi, "I will give this to her friend then, can't have her feeling left out." He explained.

"What if you don't like her when you get to know her?" Pedri asked, feeling as if he was an older brother for Gavi, wanting to make sure he didn't get his feelings hurt.

"When I first met her she walked into me, can't get more worse than that surely?" Gavi replied.

"Maybe, but I'm just looking out for you, I wish you all the best though." Pedri said in response signing his shirt on the number as well.

The players put a long sleeved under-warmer on as they didn't have time to find another shirt. However, the under-warmers fit their bodies perfectly enhancing their muscles with one simple top. They had left their signed shirts in the changing room, knowing that they'd be back in there.

«    «

As Clary and Blair continued to speak, being the only two people left in their area.

"Told you I would be back." Gavi said, wondering on how he was going to get them over the barrier without anyone getting hurt. "I can lift you guys down, sit on the barrier and just hope I don't drop you." Gavi said, he could bench at least 80kg without the bar, hoping that actually meant something.

Clary was first, she sat on the ledge and slid down, Gavi lifting her down slowly. Whilst Gavi got Blair down, Pedri had already taken an interest in Clary and asked her if he wanted to take a walk with him instead, in which she agreed.

"I thought you were going to drop me for a second." Blair said holding her hand to her heart, catching her breath for a moment.

"I wouldn't drop you don't worry, I do a lot of lifting." He replied instantly.

"Do that a lot Gavi?" She asked, in the context to inviting women to take a tour with him.

"I actually don't, you're the first one of these, and hopefully the last." He chuckled, suddenly realising that flirting is not his forte.

"I like your style, where we going then?" She asked, watching as he was just walking without direction.

"Well I'm really just following Pedri, who I'm assuming is going to the changing room?" He said, taking a complete guess. "I'm not very well prepared, i just wanted to make sure I wouldn't loose you, doubt I would have seen you again." He continued. He quickly stood for a second, having a look at which player was on the back of her shirt.

"Lewandowski is sitting in the changing room actually, let's get him to sign that for you." He said, putting his hand on her back directing her into the right room. Pedri and Clary in fact weren't in there just yet, however they'd turn up eventually. "Robert, this is Blair." Gavi said introducing the pair to each other.

"I like your shirt." The Polish man said indicating that he said shirt by flicking his.

"Do you mind if you sign it?" She asked, feeling quite nervous in doing so. He seemed genuinely happy that she asked him to do so, in which he was more than happier to sign it for her. "Thank you so much." She said as Gavi said his goodbyes temporarily and walked over to his little cubby hole.

"This is my area." He said spraying his arms out showing it, "Oh and I signed this for you if you want it. But now Robert signed your top i feel a bit downgraded." He said handing her his shirt which he had neatly folded up.

"Is this the shirt you wore that game?" She asked, holding it by the collar and looking at it. Gavi nodded, "Don't you want to keep it?" She asked, almost feeling bad that she was going to keep it.

Gavi laughed, "I didn't score, plus it would look so much better on you." He said admiring her figure without making it too obvious.

"Thank you lovely." She said, pulling the slightly taller guy into a thankful hug. She was wearing heeled shoes, so without the shoes he'd be quite a bit taller than her.

"I should have done this last night," Blair said, taking her phone out and opening up a new contact. "But can I have your number?" She asked, feeling once again that quick rush of nervousness she had felt many times before within the last hour.

"I thought you'd never ask," Gavi said filling it out with his number, "I want to see you again, maybe outside the football scene soon, where are you based?" He asked.

"I live in Andorra temporarily at the moment." Blair answered.

Gavi raised his eyebrows in shock. "Living in Andorra temporarily, did I hear that right?" He asked.

Blair just replied with a chuckle. "I'm looking to move to Barcelona though, been looking with Clary for the past few weeks, almost got our own place." She continued, watching as Gavi's face went from shock to a quite happy expression.

"I live in Barcelona, so it would be nice to see you there when you hopefully move in." He said.

Soon after Clary and Pedri arrived in the room, both with a large smile on their face. They spoke to the other two and figured as they were all staying at the same hotel that Clary and Blair could get a lift back with them. Overall, it saved them from getting hoarded by the football fans who most likely still stood outside the stadium waiting for transport.

The drive back should have been quick, yet every now and again they'd get swarmed with fans around the car. Which wasn't the best thing to happen.

"I want you to call me Blair, and if you don't call me I will call you until you answer." Gavi said opening the door for her, realising that he sounded a bit full on. "Or I will just call you once, maybe twice, not until you answer that's just rude, maybe you don't want to answer." He continued, unsure on what to say without making it awkward as they walked into the hotel. Blair's soft smile made it easier for Gavi, he didn't feel as nervous when he realised who he was speaking to. Even though she was almost a stranger, he really did take a liking to her.

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