Sick days

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Tommy had just woke up to being alone in the bed he felt lonely and cold without technos hugs (platonically) yet he hadn't even realized he was there he thought he was still at home with his parents so he didn't know why he felt lonely this was normal he kept the blanket around his body as he felt cold for some reason

He slowly left the room closing it behind him as he carried the blanket with him he slowly made it down the stairs it was at a unreasonable slowness he really didn't know why

once he reached the bottom of the stairs he was tackled into a hug then he realized where he was and let a smile fill his face as Tubbo tackled him and Ranboo came running to them as he told Tubbo not to tackled Tommy but they didn't care
Tommy was happy

Slowly Ranboo dragged Tubbo up and off Tommy who laid there for a second before being picked up by Ranboo who stood him up

"What was that for?" Tommy asked as Ranboo picked him up

"Can't have you falling asleep on the floor speaking of which why are you still wearing that blanket?" Ranboo answered then asked a question to which

Tommy responded with a "I'm cold"

"But it's summer and we're in Florida?" Dream asked Tommy as Dream walked over and lifted his hand to feel Tommy's head which he then realized Tommy was burning up

"Toms your burning up!" Dream responded quickly

Tommy only hummed in response as his head and thoughts were somewhere else

"Oh toms your burning up!" His mother said to the eight year old boy who came down the stairs with a blanket around his shoulders

"Shoo shoo back to bed with you i shall take care of you no school today!" She had said to
him as she shooed him away to his room

"But moooommmm i feel fine.." Tommy tried to reason with her which she only continued to shoo him away to his room

Tommy smiled at the memory of his caring mother taking care of him as he was sick then he realized a lot of people were around him staring at him

Techno behind his holding one of his shoulders and Wilbur next to techno holding his other shoulder a brotherly bond hung around them then Bad Holding his hand on Tommy's forehead with Phil next to him holding his hand

Tommy shook his head and looked around

"Tommy you alright you spaced out for a bit there" phil asked the child you stared at first then nodding as if his words just then formed in his brain

"Let's get you to bed mate" Phil slowly stated as Wilbur took his hand off his shoulder and techno kept his there before removing it then letting Phil gently push Tommy towards the stairs he had came from originally

Tommy was struggling at first cause it felt like his legs just wouldn't move and he couldn't control them Phil helped him along the way though
Once they got into his room which he hadn't used yet as he slept with techno last night (siblings)

Phil slowly guided Tommy to the unused bed and picked up the comforter and let Tommy slowly hop into the bed and then tucked him in but they still have to give him some medicine to help with the fever that he was running

"Ok bud don't go to sleep just yet" Phil said as techno and Wilbur walked in with some stuff

Wilbur holding extra blankets, dry cloth, and a puke bucket

Techno was holding some medicine, water bottles, and some extra pillows

"Alright got some medicine and some other stuff"
Wilbur said as soon as he entered the room

They walked over to Tommy who was half asleep

"Alright bud time to take some medicine" Wilbur said as he set the stuff down that he was holding and grabbed the medicine from techno and opened it and poured some and handed it to Tommy who then refused to touch it as he glared at it

"Tommy's take the medicine" Wilbur said as he started to shove it towards his mouth which he turned away from

"Phil the child won't take the medicine!!" Wilbur complained as Tommy still refused to take it

"Wilbur first don't try to force him you have to convince him and Tommy please take the medicine" Phil answered to Wilbur and tried to convince Tommy

"Let me try" techno said as he took the medicine from Wilbur who still couldn't get him to do it
Techno slowly walked over to Tommy and sat down next to him

"Why don't you want to take the medicine?"
Techno asked as he didn't try to shove the
medicine to him and try to force him to take it

"It icky" Tommy mumbled under his breath as he had bed experiences with medicine

"Just take it Tommy!!" his father yelled as Tommy refused to take the medicine

Tommy shook his head

His father then took his chin and pressed hard on his jaw so he opened his mouth which he ended up doing his father then poured the medicine down his throat which burned

"See wasn't that bad now was it?" His father asked as he swallowed the liquid and let go of his jaw and looked at his son which started to cough a lot

Tommy finished with his flashback and looked at techno with tears in his eyes

Techno looked at Tommy with a smile and said something he never thought he would hear

"How about i take it with you?" Techno asked as he knew from experience that it's easier to do something with someone else

"You would do that for me?" Tommy asked in a small voice the complete opposite of what everyone knew him as besides techno

Techno nodded and took out another spoon and poured some onto it and handed it to Tommy and took the other spoon and poured some and took it in his own hand and looked at Tommy and nodded

Tommy slowly brought the spoon to his lips as did techno

And then they bother took it and swallowed

"See not that bad now is it?" Techno asked after he took his shot

Tommy cringed back as the taste hit him at full blast

Techno then handed Tommy one of the water bottles

Which he then chugged down as fast as possible without chocking on it

After awhile of talking and taking care of Tommy, he finally fell asleep and techno stayed by his side as he slept and read his book

Phil and Wilbur left awhile ago so they wouldn't bother Tommy sleeping

Tommy slowly healed up from his sickness and it's all because of his family like friends

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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