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I stood behind the wall listening to my mother and father fighting. I had my hands behind my back and my head on the wall as they continued there little brawl they wouldn't stopped then i heard my mother say she was late for work and didn't have anytime for makeup and so she got even more angrier then i heard the front door slam shut and my dad leave with my mother but they had separate cars i decided i would help my mother with her makeup so i went over to her room and searched for her makeup and started working with it.

A few hours later

I was in the middle of trying to do eyeshadow when my mother bursted in and saw me at first her face was angry then it formed into surprise then she had an idea in which i took place into.

"Oh honey you want to help mommy with her makeup?"

I nodded my head and smiled

"We'll then let's teach you how to do it"

She taught me everything i needed to know about makeup then whenever she was running late she would call me to the bathroom and I'd do her makeup at she did her own hair and soon enough she taught me how to do hair as well i was super fun until she got picky then she stopped asking me to do her makeup as i make it all mismatch and stuff

We stopped talking after that we barely talked anymore nether did my mom talk to my dad but it's alright i have my friends now..

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