The Carnival

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"Tom! Jerry! Alexis!" Robyn shouts as the group finds her trapped on a ferris wheel.

"Shh! We'll get you down." Alexis says.

"Alexis. Keep an eye out. Tom and I'll get Robyn down." Jerry says as Alexis nods.

"Right." Alexis says as she walks off and sits nearby in wolf form to keep look out before hearing shouting and seeing the ride keeper is awake and after Jerry.

"Gotcha! Yikes! Okay. Nice wolf. Ah!" The man shouts as he sees Alexis growling at him causing him to drop Jerry.

"Thanks Alexis." Jerry says as Alexis lets him on her head.

"Anytime." Alexis says as she and Jerry take cover seeing Figg's car pull up as another car pulls up before Tom get Robyn down as Alexis and Jerry go over to them.

"Uh-oh! Don't look now but here comes the dragon lady." Jerry says in alarm as the group sees Figg and others are after them.

"What'll we do?" Robyn asks in alarm.

"I'll get us out of here. Come on." Tom says as the group goes and gets in a boat.

"Push the red button! It's always the red one!" Jerry shouts.

"I know it! I was just gonna push it." Tom says.

"Tom, Jerry!" Robyn shouts as the group sees Figg and her associates are right behind them.

"Hurry boys!" Alexis shouts in alarm before tom gets the boat going as they begin to get away.

"Oh no! They're following us!" Robyn shouts in fear.

"But we're going as fast as we can." Tom says.

"Here Tom. Let me try. We need more steam!" Robyn says as she takes the wheel before the group manages to get the boat to go faster as some of Figg's associates wipe their vehicles out.

"Well that takes care of them." Alexis says.

"But what happened to Aunt Figg? Where's she?" Robyn asks.

"I don't know. Maybe we lost her." Jerry says.

"Wait a minute. This place looks familiar." Robyn says as she looks around.

"What?" Tom asks.

"Yes! I know where we're at. We're going straight to Robyn's nest! You know that special place I told you about." Robyn says happily.

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