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"Which one?" Alexis asks as she is looking at the buttons.

"Who cares. Just hurry. That man will be back any minute." Tom says as Alexis presses a button and opens all the cages.

"Well done kid. You did it." Frankie says before an alarm goes off.

"But maybe I shouldn't have. The man who owns this place is heading our way." Alexis says in alarm.

"Get going then and give that orphan kid the good news. Also mouse take care of my daughter will you?" Puggsy says as he looks at Jerry.

"Dad!" Alexis says annoyedly.

"Can't help it. Gotta protect my girl. Now get moving you three." Puggsy says.

"Right." Alexis, Tom, and Jerry say before they leave.


"Jerry! Tom! alexis!" Robyn says happily as the group makes it to her room.

"Robyn have we got news for you." Jerry says happily.


"He's alive? My daddy's alive? I've got to go find him. He might be hurt. I'm sure he needs me. It'll be cold in Tibet. I better wear a hat." Robyn says as she begins packing things after listening to the group.

"Tibet?" Alexis asks.

"If that's where my daddy is that's where I'm going." Robyn says.

"Do you have any idea where Tibet is?" Tom asks.

"No." Robyn says.

"It's-it's way, way, way out there." Jerry says.

"Put your finger here please." Robyn says as Tom helps her to make a rope from bed sheets.

"It's-it's across the river." Tom says.

"Into the woods." Jerry says.

"Over the hills." Tom says.

"It's past Cleveland." Jerry says.

"it's a long way off." Alexis says.

"Here Tom. Throw this end out the window. Tom hurry. Down please." Robyn says as she begins to climb out the window using the sheets before the group begin to follow her.


"What's that over there?" Robyn asks as the group stops under the bridge as the group sees something in the water.

"It's just an old crate." Tom says.

"Wrong again." Jerry says.

"It's a raft!" Alexis and Jerry say in union as Jerry smiles at Alexis causing her to blush slightly.

"It's Aunt Figg!" Robyn says in alarm as the group hears Figg on the bridge above.

"Robyn get on quickly. And be quiet." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form before the group gets on the raft and begins to float down the river.


Later the group wakes up hearing a horn and Tom screaming before seeing a ship as it then crashes into their raft.

You Give Me Hope Tom And Jerry The Movie Jerry X OC AlexisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang