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No one's pov
        I few days pass

Enid: Hey Wednesday?*enid say worried*

Wednesday: Yeah? What's wrong?

Enid: Im really worried about a test I have in science I-

Wednesday: A test enid? Really? It's okay you'll do fine.

Enid : yeah but-

Wednesday: Enid stop worrying so much you'll be fine

Enid : why are you in such a bad mood? Is something wrong ?

Wednesday:I'm fine! But you're really doing this right now?

Enid: I mean yeah, I wanna know why you're being a bitch

Wednesday: What the hell! I'm not being a "bitch" you don't know shit.

Enid: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Wednesday: you have to start a big thing over the littlest shit, "you're in a bad mood" ok so?

Enid: I just wanted to see if you where ok you're never just mad something always happened.

Wednesday: why would you care anyway?

Enid: Are you fucking stupid? What the hell?

Wednesday: "What the hell?" What Huhm ?

                    *enid just paused*

Wednesday: are you gonna answer my question or just fucking stand there looking stupid?

Enid: You really don't understand do you?

Wednesday : understand what?

Enid: Wednesday, I care about you. But you obviously don't care about me or Us

       * enid storms out of the dorm*

Wednesday: Enid wait-

         *Wednesday starts to o tear up*

Wednesday: Shit , Shit! What the fuck is wrong with me ? I have to fuck everything up that's all I do I ruin everything!

  *Wednesday sobbs as she sits in the corner*

Wenclair || After math Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang