Wednesdays pov

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I can't believe I just full on cried in front of her.
I don't cry , for anything but I couldn't keep my feelings inside anymore.

I had to let them out. After the big ordeal she took me to the woods to some house she said she hung out there all the-time she even had non pink my style stuff to-it was cool inside it had a tv and Xbox whatever that was.

She told me to come sit on the bed she had a whole damn bed as well as a couch and other shit you have in a house.

I went and sat on the bed next to her. She had really fluffy blankets and cool pillows I didn't really like those but now there cool I think it's because they belong to Enid and I love her so everything is perfect if she's involved.

She told me put on some pajamas she had and believe it or not they weren't pink , I actually liked them so I went and changed and sat back down on the bed. She pulled me closer and put a blanket over us. She put a movie on and we fell asleep watching it you could say we were cuddling or whatever.

But I liked it . I woke up with my head on her chest and my arm around her she was still asleep so I stayed put. I didn't what to wake her up. I little later she woke up and asked me how I slept, I told her I slept good.

A wile later we were sitting on the couch watching some show called stranger things it was cool I guess not my favorite though.

Sorry this chapter is kinda short.

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