227: The Song of Sirenum Scopuli

Start from the beginning

She couldn't step inside, but she wasn't trying to.

"Never let him name anything."

Looking at Pri.

"You okay?"

"Aurora's here."

Pri tensed, "Tristan said she was still abroad."

"Exactly," She smiled, "Meaning once he learns of her presence, he will be tripping over his feet trying to find her."

"And Aya's on a plane."

Maci gleamed as the smile on her protegee's face grew.

"Oh my god," She looked to Cami and Vincent, "Sorry, we have stuff to do."

Cami shook her head, "Like what?"

"Strix stuff. There's this part of the estate that Aya kills anyone for trying to enter," She was grabbing her bag, "You'll have my full attention in the morning, but – "

"You've got multiple things on your plate," Vincent stopped scanning her.

"Sorry," She sounded genuine, "Message me any updates."

She was heading out of the door, Maci offering them a smile before following after her.

Meaning they were gone as the pair continued to flip through objects.

Vincent was unable to put down her log of it all.

"This is no joke, alright?" His fingers tight, "In the wrong hands, this stuff could destroy the city."

"Bring it up with Kol."

"And when you do," Kinney stood where Maci just had, "Ask him how he'd define 'the wrong hands.'"

Cami panicked, "He's on vervain."


"He's not," Vincent didn't think so anyway, "Kinney – "

"All of this is coming with me," He walked in.

"What – "

"Property of NOLA PD, evidence in a murder case."

Neither understood what was happening.

"Detective Kinney," Cami's hand came up, "How did you – "

"You really think it was hard for me to find this place?"

Since he had been looking into her.

"Search warrant was easy," He was walking towards her, "I just gave the judge your history."

All that information he'd already brought up?

"Your twin brother was a mass murderer; your uncle's death smells of a cover-up. And the forensics from tonight's crime scene? Crazy thing – the only prints on the victim was your friends. Combining that with whatever the hell this is?"

Weapon after weapon.

"Call that 'probable cause.'"

Kol wasn't being arrested?

Kol had compelled him.

'you will no longer believe we did anything wrong.'

Them as a unit. Not them individually.

"If it wasn't you together, he was covering for you."

"Kinney," Vincent was trying to work out what to do.

Their follow-up compellers left minutes earlier.

Vamped off into the night, meaning they missed watching him pull up.

Lights Flicker And Fade : Kol Mikaelson [3]Where stories live. Discover now