First Kiss Nico × Percy

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    Nico was pissed. Pissed at his dad, pissed at Jason, pissed at Percy, but mostly pissed at himself. Pissed that he had these pesky things called emotions. And pissed that Percy and Jason were both a major cause of them.
    Nico sighed and threw himself into Hades cabin, ignoring the ghost to his right. The man had been following him for a few days, and after Nico determined he wasn't a threat, he ignored him completely. Though the man did keep mumbling, "love" and it was, like most things, starting to piss him off as well.
    Nico flopped down onto his bed and buried his face in the pillow, only slightly attempting to suffocate himself. Why had the two men both chosen to comfront him about their feelings. They weren't supposed to like him. They were supposed to be galloping around heterosexual land with their girlfriends.
    Sighing again, he pushed himself up, trying to ignore his conflicting emotions. His love for Jason was strictly brotherly. Now Percy, with his nice hair, his smiling face, and his eyes. Oh god his eyes, a man could get lost in those no! Nico would not allow himself to become like a petty girl, obsessed with Percy.
    He just had to go out there, pretend like nothing had happened, and no one would get hurt. He could fade into the shadows, go to Italy, and come back when both men came to their senses. Percy was a scatter brain and would probably forget the second he saw something shiny. Jason, on the other hand, was more put together and would probably take a bit longer. But hey, Nico had a long time.
    "Ugh. Men." Nico layed back down and curled up into a ball on his side. He could just tell Percy he loved him, but then what? Would they start dating? Would their dads aprove? Would the camp even aprove? Nico didn't know about Percy, but he didn't want to risk it.
    He buried his face in his pillow and screamed, just letting all his emotions out. The fear of disaproval, the fear of rejection, the fear of heart break. All these plagued Nico's thought.
    "That was intense."
    "Leave me alone Percy."
    "Come on." A hand gently prodded Nico's shoulder. "Let's talk."
    "Don't wanna." Nico knew he was being childish, but he didn't care. He wasn't interested in duking this out with Percy.
    "Well, I'm gonna make you." He grabbed Nico's legs and pulled.
    Nico resisted, griping desperately at his sheet, trying to resist. "No!" He yelled and firmly clasped onto the side of the bed.
    But in the end, Percy had more sheer body mass, and Nico was helpless as he gave a mighty tug. Nico screamed and spasmed as he and Percy fell to the ground.       Percy slightly grunting as Nico fell on top of him.
    It only to Nico a few seconds to realize the exposed position he was. He blushed and tried to push himself up off of Percy 's stomach, but Percy was to quick.
He swiftly switched their position so Nico was beneath him. He was careful not to rest all his body weight on him, but made sure Nico could feel him. Nico tried to shove him and push him off, pounding his fists into Percy's chest. Percy just smiled and laughed. Nico averted his eyes.
    Percy frowned. "No. Look at me."
    Nico slowly, hesitantly raised his eyes up to Percy's beautiful sea blue ones.
    Percy began to lean in towards Nico, a slight blush on his face. Nico closed his eyes, preparing for contact. But when it never came, he slowly opened one eye, to find Percy just staring down at him.
    "Nico, I'm not going to force myself on you."
    Nico frowned, and Percy was terrified at the look in his eyes. It was as though hell itself had awakened within him."Listen Jackson, I've waited for much longer than you will ever understand." Nico, unsure where his sudden burst of courage came from, contined. "If you don't kiss me right now, I'm going to send an army of undead Greek soilders onto your ass. Understand me?"
    Percy just stared down at Nico for a second. Then, a slow smile spread across his face. "Sure."
    He slammed his lips onto Nico, and Nico's mind started whirling. This is my first kiss. Why was I so confident. I have no clue what I'm doing. Is that his tongue? Oh my Gods. Do I shove my tongue in his mouth? This is so weird! But... I kinda like it.
    Percy pulled back, cheeks flushed. A gentle smile on his face. "That was... nice."
    "Yeah..." Nico flushed. "Can we do that again sometime?"
    Percy leaned down and hugged him. "Anytime you want."
    "Love." The ghost mumbled.
    "Yeah," Nico smiled, "love."

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