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party fit ^^^^^


the screen turns black to open up back to Lizzie, Josie, and Rafael walking.

( Crowd cheering )

( Crowd booing )

( Whistle blows )

"Alyssa Chang made a broom fly in physics last year, but Rick Rogers fell 30 feet during practice, so real-life Quidditch remains an elusive pipe dream. It's called Wickery. My parents invented it when we were ten. Their version is a little less violent than ours." Lizzie says as Raf and her sit down. You can see Josie walk over to MG and Lexi.

"Yo. Giving up dibs on the new guy so quickly?" He asks her.

" It's not a competition. Plus, I'm still nursing a wounded soul." She responds.

"Hmm. Penelope Park." Lexi says with a grimace.

"We don't mention her name anymore, remember?" Her sister replies.

"Sorry." Lex says with a giggle getting up so she can get some popcorn.

( Crowd cheering )

"Do you think he'll go for her?" MG says worried about his chances with the Saltzman.

"Probably. They usually do." Josie replies slightly upset.

"Okay." He finishes. Then the screen turns back to Lizzie and Rafael.

"I heard about what happened to your girlfriend." She says with an awkward smile until he gives her a look to which she replies with, "Oh, I have spies everywhere. I'm nosy in that, like, charming way."

"Thanks, I guess." he says with a slightly disturbed look.

"On the plus side, we're all happy to know that you're single. Oh, God. That was my inside voice. I am so sorry. Guys like you make me nervous." she continues rambling.

"Oh my god, she's literally me before vampirism." Caroline says feeling bad for the girl.

"Guys like me?" he says getting angry.

"You know. Hot. Angry. Damaged." She says accidentally making it worse.

"Yeah, well, I sort of made a point in my life of, uh, keeping clear of girls like you. So I guess I'm gonna go find Landon." he says storming off only to run into a furious Lexi.

"Oh that's a scary look" Kol blurts out.

"Listen she can't help rambling she didn't mean to hurt your feelings, all you had to do was walk away instead of hurting her as well. I ever see you do that again, I will rip out your spine and wear it as a necklace." She says scarily calm which terrifies him, then leaves to go after Lizzie.

"Okay but that threat was perfect." Rebekah gushes.


Lexi was roaming the halls when she hears Lizzie screaming and breaking things in the kitchen. She rushes in.

"Liz! Elizabe-" She stops when a knife is coming at her head only to be stopped by her sister.

"Hey Lex" Lizzie says with tears in her eyes.

"Hey lizziebear" Lexi says quickly hugging her hearing a sob come out of her mouth.

"She's a sweet girl" Freya says admiring the kindness.


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