"Where's Diana then?" June asked, "I thought she flew into Malaysia too."
"She is somewhere... Out there..." Aidan said. 

After a while of awkward silence, Aidan decided to tell the story of what had happened from start to finish. June and Felicia were seemingly interested in the whole drama.
"Damn, what kind of Dr Strange shit is this?" Felicia said, "Alternative universes!" followed by a peal of laughter by her and June.
"You're a nice person, Aidan," June said, "Don't give up on finding her, you may not know, you could take her back again."
Aidan was not in the mood to say anything further.
"I shall get going, we'll meet again tomorrow," June said. She turned to Felicia and said, "It was nice knowing you, I hope to see you around." and she left stealthily.

After a long while of silence, Felicia broke the silence, "You liked a good person, sir." mentioning Diana.
She continued, "Maybe I could invite her to meet you tomorrow."
"There is no need," Aidan said, "And you don't have to call me sir, Aidan is enough."
"But why?"
"Well, she is probably off with that sicko, Jayden," Aidan said defeatedly.
"I can safely say she is not," Felicia said, "Let me know if you wanna see her tomorrow night."
"I shall go now," she added, "Good night." and she left.

Aidan stayed behind, still leaning against the railing. He sighed and left back to his tent. Entering his tent, he was greeted by three of his tentmates, all dead asleep. Aidan lay down on his bed which was the bottom bunk. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"No, I do not want to see him..." Diana said as she sat next to Felicia in her hotel room.
"Aww, why not?"
"It's just," Diana pursed her lips and continued, "It's just awkward and... embarrassing."
"Don't worry," Felicia assured her, "I'll bring you to him tomorrow, see what he says."
Diana insisted on not going...

The next night again, Aidan waited at the usual with June.
"How is he?" Aidan asked, "Your partner?"
June instead kept quiet.
"Noted," Aidan replied.
"I wish I had convinced them to go to the UK instead of discouraging them... We were short of cash..." June said.

They heard distant footsteps. Aidan and June turned to see Felicia walking alongside another person though the other person was covered by the shadow. June and Aidan raised their guns at the two of them.
"Both of you, hands up!" Aidan ordered.
They complied.
"Who is that next to you?" Aidan asked Felicia.
From the shadow, emerged that familiar gleaming face of Diana.

Diana said, "I would like to surrender myself!" and she walked closer.
Aidan stepped back and shouted, "Stay where you are and disarm any weapons."
She pulled out any weapons that were newly issued to her, a pistol and a dagger again.
In front of Felicia and June, Aidan put cuffs over her hands.
"Kinky," Felicia joked to which everyone gave her the 'Seriously?' look. She looked away embarrassed as Aidan got Diana to stand up, cuff behind her back.
"Any info?" Aidan asked Felicia.
"I'll let her speak," Felicia said, looking at Diana.
"Well, Jayden, leading the communist group here in Genting is planning an ambush on the police camp," she said.
"And when is that?" Aidan asked

Suddenly a bomb was heard not too far from their location. The police alarm from the camp was raised, sounding like a bomb raid alarm. Aidan held on to Diana and dragged her along with Felicia to the camp. Officers and soldiers alike ran out of their tents amidst the chaos. Rifles in their arms they got ready. They heard the grumbling sounds of not humans, but zombies. Being at night, their violent nature took over the zombies. Aidan put Diana and Felicia (he cuffed Felica too) in a police Land Rover Defender and locked up the trucks followed by rolling down the canopy to cover the truck bed and he joined in the battlefield.

"So Diana," Felicia said, "You missed him?"
Diana sighed followed by a shrug as she watched the ongoing fight.
"I don't know, a lot has happened, I am just confused," Diana said.
After a long while of gunshots from the soldiers' end, shots from a distance were heard returning the fire.
"Must be the communist!" Felicia said.

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