#1 "The stars in her eyes were his doing.."

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A/n~ "Hi hi hiiiii! I'm back with another story! Crazy right? I just finished a Kisaki x reader, but I had inspiration to do another one so here we are. Now don't worry. The Tokyo revengers one shots are still on the way! And heck I may even turn some of those oneshots into full on stories. I'm not sure yet. Well, anyway, enjoy this!"

Y/n sat in her room, staring out the window at the kids playing.

She sighed heavily.

"Momma, Papa, why can't I go out to play with the other kids?" She asked sadly.

"You're not old enough." Her mother replied and her father nodded.

She clenched her hands into fists. "How am I not old enough? Those kids look my age!"

"No talking back young lady!" Her father shouted back, causing her to flinch.

"I've been a good kid! Nothing but good! I've never ever asked for anything other than this! Not chocolate, or candy, or soda, or anything! I just wanna go out and do normal things..." she argued.

"No is no, Y/n. Go to your room." Her father said bitterly.

Y/n rushed off to her room, teary eyed.

Is freedom too much to ask for? What were they so afraid of?

Y/n... wasn't taking no for an answer this time.

She told her parents goodnight, went into her room, and locked her door.

She changed into dark clothing and opened her bedroom window.

'I am not staying locked up in this house and room forever while others get to experience the real world! I'm sorry, momma and papa.' She thought as she climbed out.

After she was safely out, she took off running.

She made it to a park where she found a young boy standing there, looking agitated and depressed.

She stared for a second before deciding to approach the boy.

"Um.. Excuse me? Are you alright?" She asked gently, placing her hand lightly on his shoulder.

He turned to her, it was obvious he'd been crying at some point.

"Do I look alright to you?!" He snapped, brushing her hand off angrily.

"I was just asking. No need to be rude." She replied, placing her hands on her hips.

"Tch. Whatever." The boy huffed, rolling his eyes.

"My mother says rolling your eyes will result in them getting stuck."

"You're mother is wrong."

That statement made her tilt her head. Her mother? Wrong? She'd never heard that before. Her mother was usually right...

"Why do you look like a confused puppy?"

"Because my mother has never been wrong. She taught me everything I know."

"My god are you stupid? You're parents teach you what they think is right, but not everything they teach you is right." He said, seeming more agitated by the clueless girl.

It felt like a bomb had been dropped, because she was now an utter mess.

She looked a mix of confused, scared, and lost.

"So you mean... my parents have been wrong?"

"With some things yes. Oh come on you act like you've never been in the real world before..."

"I haven't."

The boy was taken aback. He stared at the girl in disbelief and before he could question her more she answered the questions within him.

"I've been told all my life that the outside world is dangerous and that I mustn't go outside my home. I finally got the courage to sneak out tonight, because I was fed up with being trapped inside while others lived their lives to the fullest." She said, fiddling with her sleeves.

The boy was silent and stared at her for a moment. He felt... pity for her. She'd never experienced a lot of things he had.

She also had most likely never fallen in love like he had.

She was a pitiful soul to him.

Someone he wanted to protect out of instinct, but...

Also someone he wanted to use and make suffer so that she could experience the real meaning of life.

He shook his head, shaking away the horrible thoughts he was having.

"Wanna go get a snack from the store? I'll let you pick and try anything." He said as he held his hand out to the stranger.

She stared at his hand and then grabbed onto it. "Um. Yes! Thank you." She said.

The two then headed off to the store.


It was around 12 o'clock now, and she was sitting on a swing with him at her side.

She had her favorite snack in her hand and was munching on it with a satisfied smirk.

"You're very kind to me mister..."

"Kisaki Tetta. And don't get used to it, I'm not usually kind to strangers."

She smiled and giggled. "Well thanks for being kind to me Kisa-Kun! I'm Y/n L/n."

"Don't mention it Y/n-Chan." He muttered, a small blush from embarrassment arouse on his cheeks.

This was his first time spending time alone with a girl other than Hina. On top of that he wasn't used to being kind to anyone other than Hina.

"Ah! It's getting late. If my parents check on me I'll be doomed because I locked my bedroom door and I'm not supposed to!" She cried, jumping up in fear.

"Aye, calm down. It'll be okay. Just hurry back." He said, shrugging as if it was no big deal.

"Ughhhh. But if they find out I'm screwed! I gotta go. Thanks for today Kisa-Kun! See you soon?"

"Sure, be safe, Y/n-Chan."

The two waved bye as Y/n ran back to her home, sneaking back in through the window, changing into pjs and then unlocking her door.

She then laid down with a satisfied smile on her face as she pulled her pillow to her chest.

She wondered if this warm feeling was the feeling of having her first friend.

If it was...

She couldn't be happier.

A/n~ "How's this for making up for the last story I did? The other one was kinda all over the place, but hey! It was good right? Well. I hope you all enjoyed! Be safe and make sure you're eating. Also drink lots of water and dress warm if you live in places where it's cold out.<3"

She Found Freedom in Him [Kisaki Tetta x Fem! Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt