Final Battle And New Journey

Começar do início

Curious, I decided to watch the news report, sipping my coffee. 

"Good morning!" the reporter greeted. "Breaking news: There is a huge battle going on at Mesagoza! The battle is between two trainers, Y/N, the new Champion of Paldea, and Nemona, a Champion level Trainer!" 

I looked shocked. Y/N's on the news? 

I haven't seen them in a long time now. 

I then turned off my computer and checked where Mesagoza was. 

It turned out that Mesagoza was near here.. that's great. 

Maybe I could pass by.. 


"Okay, Orthworm, let's go!" she sent out Orthworm and I used Earthquake again, which I spammed a bit and then defeated it after using the move three times. 

She then sent out a Dudunsparce, which I knew Larry used. "You did great, Clodsire!" I put Clodsire in its Pokeball. "Let's go, Quaquaval!" I replied and sent out Donald Duck, which then used Close Combat, effortlessly defeating it. LOL-

"Let's finish what we started, Y/N!" she said and sent out her Skeledirge, Terastalizing it. 

I Terastalized my Quaquaval as well, and used Hydro Pump. 

"You did it, Y/N!" Nemona said, hugging me like she was my older sister. "You tried your best, Nemona." I replied, holding her hand and returned my Quaxly. 

She then pulled out two tickets. "Here you go, Y/N." I smiled and thanked her. "You deserve it!" I then looked at the two tickets and noticed that they were going to Melemele Island. "Thanks, Nemo." I thanked her. "It was fun battling with you." 

"Although this might be our last.." 

I looked back on the memories when I called her and went to Area Zero by myself, and how I caught my Paradox Pokemon by myself. 

"It was still fun battling with you." 

I smiled and we did a farewell hug. 

"I wonder where I'm going to eat.." I said to myself and suddenly, I looked to the side and saw Grusha and Larry. Not to mention, Leon was there too.. 

"Oh, you're here too!" I waved and ran up to them, and did a high-five with Leon. "You did well out there. Congratulations." Larry replied, clapping. "Anyway.." 

"Y/N should go with me to Galar!" Leon said, and Larry gave him a glare. "No. Y/N should stay in Paldea."  They then started arguing, like they were meerkats. "Wait!" I shouted and they stopped arguing, looking at me. "Guys! I'm planning on going to Alola, for Arceus' sake stop fighting!" I sighed and Leon simply gave me a smile. 

"Oh, I heard they have Tapu Koko, and even a Solgaleo!" Grusha smiled, and I showed two tickets, smiling and pointing at them. "Of course I'll go with you!" Grusha held my hand, but before we left, Larry gave him a glare. 

"I'll miss you all." I said, hugging all of them. "But I'll still text you guys, okay?" I smiled and waved farewell. "Have fun in Alola." Larry said, and gave me a picture of some old guy who was a policeman surrounded by a different- colored Meowth. Maybe it was a regional variant.. 

He also gave me pictures of many people, like a young girl, a old man, and a black-haired woman with brown colored skin. "You could get their autographs if you wanted to." He then smiled. "Also, you should get a Z-Ring!" Leon said, showing me what a Z-Ring looked like. 

"And you should also get a Z Crystal, so you could use Z- Type moves!" Leon added. "Wait a minute. How do you guys know about all this?" 


[The Next Day]

I woke up and got ready. Alola, here I come! I put on a t-shirt, pants and sneakers. 

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I then went to the airport and waited patiently for my flight

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I then went to the airport and waited patiently for my flight.

'Alola.. here I come!' 

Back to the Future (Pokemon Violet)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora